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In a midst of a high school hallway, where hundreds of students are making connections with similar interests and similar background, but as for the beautiful secluded latina, Gianna Gerez and the popular rich preppy boy Sean Clyde, they never said a word to each other, not even a simple hi.  

But whenever Gianna opened her locker and gathering her books,  at the end of the hallway, Sean tilted his head away from his preppy friends and just gaze at her beauty. She might not be blonde, wear tennis skirts and wear pink shoes like the girls their age Sean usually meets at the country club, but maybe that is the reason why Sean is so attracted to her. His eyes can't move away from looking at her, Gianna has long shiny black hair that is usually in a ponytail or in a bun. She doesn't show too much skin, but just enough skin when she's wearing a printed tank top with ripped jeans. 

"Sean, what are you looking at?", his friend landed his palms at his shoulder and trying to catch the same sight as his. 

Sean nervously shake his head, "oh nothing". But his friend, Mitchell raised an eyebrow as he realized who was Sean staring at. "You were checking out the latina girl!", he screamed. 

Sean punched his shoulder softly, "shut up, man! She might hear you!". Mitchell can't help but to laugh cause his friend is having a ridiculous crush on someone who would not want him in the first place. 

Another friend of his whom was sitting leaning on a wall, hit Mitchell in the chest. "Dude, that girl has a name! You can't just call her the latina girl!", Robert exclaimed. 

Mitchell tilted his body at Robert's direction, "isn't she latina?", he questioned and Robert sighed frustratingly for Mitchell Donoghue's lack of respect for others than himself, especially the ones that do not have the Ralph Lauren logo on their polo t-shirt and doesn't travel lavishly every summer. 

"Isn't her name Juliana or something like that?", Robert asked Sean and immediately he answered, "Gianna Gerez, it's Gianna Gerez". 

Then Sean felt a tap from Robert's hands on his stomach, "you should talk to her sometime, she seems lovely". 

Mitchell widened his eyes out of surprise, "why would you ask him to do that?!".

"Why not?", Robert asked. "Girls like that will always come after our money, it's rich guide 101", he said. 

"You are disgusting, you know that", Robert disgustingly looked at Mitchell but then Sean agreed with Mitchell anyways, "yeah, he's right. I don't know this girl, maybe she'll take advantage of me, who knows". 

Robert chuckled, "Seriously Sean? You're going to listen to this rich guide 101? You want to end up like this superficial bastard here? You are comfortable judging her before actually talking to her? I'm out", Robert straightened his back and walk away cause he couldn't stand the pretentious stench around Sean and Mitchell. 

"Oh come on Rob, you don't have to leave!", Sean calls after him but Robert just raised his hand and waved goodbye with his back facing them . 


Everyday after school, Gianna would wait for his dad to pick her up and by the sidewalk. A few meters away, she would look at Sean going into the backseat of a black Mercedes and left the school premises. She would noticed how sharp his collars were and imagining how smooth his shirt was underneath that sweater. She also had a liking towards how he comb his hair neatly to the side, sort of like he came from the 1950's. She is often alone, but it's not like she doesn't have friends per se, she talks to her classmates daily but after school hours and on weekends, she spends most of her time at home with her familia . If she's not at home, she would be helping her father at his grocery store nearby their home. 

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