12: "only time will tell" part 2

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It has been a week and all Sean got to do in Joe's finest is sit at the front table and wait for customers to come in. With his legs on the table while he lean against the wooden chair, he listens to some tunes through his earphones and scroll through Instagram and look at his peers enjoying their summer in some yacht in some country. He chuckles under his breath, close the social media app because it's showing the same thing over and over again and to be frank, he is tired of it. He throws his head back and slowly shut his eyes but all of the sudden, a loud thump vibrated the table caused him to put his leg down by reflex and he pulls his earphones out. He found his grandfather standing by him with his arm crossed to his chest. 

"Hey, Pops. A gentle hello would work as well rather than giving me a heart attack", he said to him. Pops chuckle, "son, you're the one who's giving me a heart attack by putting your long legs on my sweat and hard-work". Sean cornered his eyes to the table, "you made this?". Pop nod his head and Sean apologizes, "Sorry, Pops. Didn't know that you even made the front table". "It's okay son, I was about to ask whether you're busy but since you were about to get a shut-eye. I'll ask for your help when you wake up from your nap", Pop smiles and walk away but Sean quickly gets off the chair and chases after Pops, "Y-you need help? What kind of help, Pops? Workshop help?". 

Pops turn back to face him, "aren't you going to take a nap first?". Sean shakes his head and Pops respond, "yeah, I need help in the workshop. Got a large order, could use the extra hands. Are you sure you're not sleepy?", he asks to make sure. 

"Yes Pops, I'm wide awake. I can help you at the back", he grins from ear to ear and that made Pops grin from ear to ear, "okay then, I just do not want you to cut your finger off. If that happens, you tell your grandma that it's on you". He says as the both of them walk to the back of the shop. 

"Grab an apron, son", Sean takes one from a few at the hooks, "don't forget goggles", he opens one of the drawers and grab one and before Pops ask him to put on headphones, he found it and put it on. "You look like you're ready for this", Pop said but then Sean lifted one of the side of the headphones, "what Pops, I could not hear you through this?". Pops put his hand on his hips and laugh at his grandson's antics, "so you say. Anyways, I got an order to make 80 small accessory boxes for a wedding. The bride wants it as a door gift". 

"80?", Sean asks and Pops questions his concern on the number, "is it too much for you? Never done a big order before?". 

Sean pulls down the headphones to his neck, "no no, I mean, yes. I haven't carved the same design more than twice but that's not a problem. I was just surprised that the wedding is only expecting 80 guests? Is that the whole town?". "No son, it's a closed wedding. Family and friends only", Pops explains and Sean sighs in relief, "okay, that make sense. I thought that was the whole town. I mean, yeah Lansing is small but I don't think that it's that small. Wedding guests in New York could go up to 2000 or even 3000, depending whose kid is getting married". 

"That's a lot of people, but 80 of these are going to the ladies so if they come with a date, the guest numbers goes double", Pop explains further and continues, "and if they come with their kids, oh my, it's gonna be some wedding". Sean laughs at his grandfather's unfamiliarity of being in a large event with many people. "It's different seeing you like this cause mum really knows how to handle herself in those situations. She knows everyone's name and jobs, and she just knows what to talk about with anyone". Sean explains and Pops grab a few papers and hand it to him, "your mother sure has grown into a fine young woman. I'm so proud of her".

Sean grabs the paper with a tinge feeling of sorry for himself, he wished that his father would smile and be proud of him just like his grandfather is towards his mother. But then again, of course he would be proud because mother became a famous fashion designer and she started from humble beginnings. Any parent should be proud of their child if they are able to succeed more than they did. I've been a Clyde since I was born. I have high standards to achieve, and if I can't reach higher, at least I had to be at par and that path leads to me running the family law firm, of course. If I can't even do that, I'm not worth my father's pride, the thoughts running in his mind.  

"Is something a matter, son?", Pop asks with concern. Sean shakes off from his thought and curve his lips into a small smile, "no, Pops. I'm fine. What do you want me to do?"

"Oh yes, I was thinking of lending the project to you", Pops said. "What do you mean, Pops?"

"I mean, you do a design of the box and you are going to meet the client within a few days, with the prototype and see what she has to say. If she likes it, continue making another 80 of it. If she doesn't, ready to make some tweaks or re-design the whole thing", Sean was taken aback with Pop's explanation. 

"You want me to do this project? But..I haven't done for anyone other than mum and I know that she likes my designs, but that's because she's my mum. This is someone else, and I haven't showed anyone my carvings before other than mum and Maria..", Pop grabs his shoulder and stop his trail of words. "Don't you want to do this?"

"Yes, but..", "I know you're nervous about showing your work to other people but translate that nerves into energy and put it in your work. You never know unless you try", Pop cuts him off. 

"What if she does not like it?", Sean questions. "Re-design the whole thing. It is still a business that has to tailor to the customer's tastes. You have nothing to lose alright, just don't lose yourself in your work. That's what mima always tells me as if I'm a starving artist". 

Sean smiles and feel calmer than a few minutes ago, "thanks, Pops". 

Pops takes off his apron and hook it behind the door, "I'm going home because now, I'm a starving man. Will you be okay, son?"

Sean sits on a stool, to start on drawing his design, "only time will tell". 


a/n: believe it or not, I just updated a new chapter, a day after I posted the last one! Yes yes, it caught me by surprise too. I hope I can be this consistent. 

So, as always, don't forget to comment or vote, tell me your honest opinions, I'm dying to hear them! 

Much loves xx

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