11:"only time will tell"

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Looking at her surroundings under her jacket hoodie, she squats down and crawls through a hole in the fence to the junkyard, where Pepe keeps his supplies. She walks calmly into the darkness and sees stacks of ruined cars and scrape metals everywhere. She has only heard about this place and never actually been there but one of the things she heard was there is a guard watching out for the supplies at all times. She peers deeper into the junkyard, looking for a large green ship container and keep a look out for this 'guard'.

She has been walking for 10 minutes and she's wondering how in the world can she not find a huge ass container? If she lingers around any longer, the guard would probably found her and that will disrupt her whole entire plan on getting out of Drago's gang but if she turns her back now and stick on being a hustler, she might lose the chance to actually live her life and offer the same for her family. No, no. I 've got to do this. I've got a lot to lose, she reminds herself. She closes her eyes and breathes in and when she breaths out and slowly opening her eyes, she looks around more attentively. To her surprise, she sees a small opening in between two high stacks of junk cars and she starts to walk towards that direction. As she walks through that small opening, she found what she has been looking for. There it is, my ticket outta here, she smiles in relief. She steps towards to the container quickly as she does not want to make her customer waiting, but then she grunts in frustration. She holds the lock that wraps the handle of the container and throw her left fist at it. She hears something some barking in a distance and it seems to be getting closer and closer and within a few seconds, a large Rottweiler has grabbed her left leg by its teeth. She clenches her teeth to hold her expression of pain, and act quickly with her right leg, kick the 'guard' away from her leg. She limps as fast as she can to get out of there, but as the Rottweiler gets up and starts running her way, she grabs a scrap metal from the ground and throw at it. The Rottweiler got pushed back and she continues to limp as fast as she can. She hears barking and she thought, "fuck, Pepe trained this dog well". She could not find any scrap metal near her, the dog is coming fast and all she can do is limp forward. Feeling anxious, she falls down to the ground and she lifts up her arm to shield herself from the Rottweiler but then the dog turned the other way. She puts down her arm and look at the dog gobbling a beef steak. 

"Were you trying to kill yourself, G?", she looks up and of course, it's Al to the rescue.

"Al, how in the world you know I'm here?", she asks as she is pushing on her right leg to stand up. Al quickly grabs her and help her to stand up, "Oh Al, thanks for bringing a pound of meat to save my life. What would I do without you", he says in a hopeful manner he wish Gianna to show, and he continues, "I was looking for you at the club but Pepe's guys said you left after Pepe threatened you. Knowing my boss, she would take the matter in her own hands and get her own supply at the only place she knows where". Gianna chuckles as the both of them walk away, "Am I really that transparent? Can anybody figure me out so easily?"

"I don't know if anybody could but after being your right-hand man for several years, I think I know you well enough", Al says. As Al open the door of his truck and help her in, she grins and places her hand on his shoulder, "thanks for bringing a pound of meat to save my life. What would I do without you?". Al takes her hand and holds it tightly in between his palms, "oh boss, now you're making me feel all mushy". Gianna is starting to feel a bit uncomfortable as Al is holding her hand a little bit too long. "Are you just gonna stand there or take me somewhere that we could wrap my bloody leg?", she questions and Al lets go of her hand, closes the door and rush to the driver's seat. "I'll take you to the hospital, boss", Al puts his truck in gear and starts to drive. 

"No, let's go to your place. You have a first aid kit?", Gianna asks as she puts pressure on the bite marks on her legs. "Boss, you just got bitten by a dog, we need it to get disinfected with proper medication and maybe you need a shot or something...", Al tries to persuade Gianna but she insist on refusing to go to the hospital. "I'm fine, we just need to wash out the blood and use some disinfected oil and wrap it up. I'm not going to get rabies", she confidently says. 

"How are you so sure you're not going to get rabies?", Al questions and she turns to him with a stern look. "Why are you looking at me like that, G? You're making me nervous, is rabies taking over your body already?", he questions. "If I have rabies, what makes you think you're not having it right now? It is contagious", Gianna tells him and he starts to panic and mutter words, "what?...I could have rabies? Oh no, I did come in contact with you. Oh no oh no oh no, should I be driving now? That's it, we are going to the hospital! But then if we do, we are definitely getting shots and needles gets me all riled up...", "Al, I don't have rabies! I was just messing with you!", she hits her shoulder. "You sure, boss? Rabies are no joke", he tells her. "Yeah, just calm down alright. I just want my leg to be bandaged", she monotonically express her simple wish. Al keeps quiet and he was about to open his mouth, to talk about what was going on in Gianna's head on going to the junkyard alone. 

"I had to do something, alright Al? He wasn't going to give me any job, what would you expect me to do? For sure, I am not going to be his bitch but that motherfucker did not hold his end of the bargain! So, I had to do it on my own. But then who would've thought he has the brains to put a lock at that container and have a wild canine guarding the stash?!", she jumps onto saying what was running in Al's mind. "I get it, G and I know it's frustrating but you're putting your life on the line here. I know you're doing this for your family and yourself, but there's too much risk and I'm worried for you, G". 

"Al, I rather risk my life for the right to live it in my own way than have a life that is not my own to control", she sighs at her misfortunes but she quickly shrugs it off and waste no time to get her life back, "we need to go there again tomorrow and bring a pound of meat with you again, Al. I'm gonna try to pick the lock and grab some supply so we can start making money tomorrow night", she quickly thought of a plan. 

Al nods his head, even though he has his reservations on Gianna's masterplan but his loyalty calls for him to look out for her no matter the situation may be. "You really think you could pull this off, boss?", he asks. 

"Only time will tell", she says confidently like a boulder coming her way and she could break it into half but deep in the corner of her mind, she knows that it's a gamble as she literally bets her life on the table. 


a/n: hi guys! I know I know, its been forever. How you guys been? Have you dropped this book already? So did I, because I really do not have a clue on how to continue this story! I hit a writer's block and I think that the engines picking up the pace slowly. 

As always, do comment and vote. Don't be shy, let's talk, I'm open to any topics. 

Will I update soon? No promises but you guys know I like to stick myself with a project and will make time when those creative juices flow. So, I'll talk to you soon?

Much love xx

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