2: Gianna

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Gianna often replay the day that her father died in her arms. As soon as she busted her front door, she saw her father on the floor with his stomach bleeding and beside him is her mother, crying and screaming, cause she did not know what to do. She looked around to look for her little brother, Horatio Gerez and she saw her on top of the stairs peeking from above. She waved her hand to him as a motion for him to go to his room, he followed his sister's orders and went into his room and shut the door. Gianna kneel down beside her parents, "papa! Mama, what the hell happened?"

"Es Drago! It was him that stabbed your father!", her mother cried. Julio struggles to raise up his hand, Gianna lifted up his head and rested it on her lap, "No Blanca, it's my fault mi amor", he said. Gianna's tears starts to roll and drop onto his forehead, "what do you mean, papa?". Julio slowly grabs his daughter's hand and tried to speak through the pain, "my time was up, mi hija". Gianna instantly feel frustrated by his dad's hidden messages, "speak up, papa! I don't understand!". "Gianna", her mother rubs her back trying to calm him down. 

Julio looked up to see his daughter with his teary eyes and taking his last breath, he said,"perdon mi hija, look out for mama and Horatio for me". He slowly closed his eyes and Gianna does not feel the weight of his hands on hers. Her mother could not bare the sight of her husband so she ran upstairs sobbing. Gianna couldn't believe it, she refuse to believe that her father has left her. "Papa? Papa..papa! Wake up papa! I still need you, papa!", she hold her father tight and close to her chest, crying and hoping a miracle would happen and God gave her father a second chance. 


"G, yo G!", Gianna suddenly woke up from her flashback  and she was sitting behind the counter of his father's grocery store and Alfredo Luccini is in front of her, chewing gum with his signature red bandana around his forehead. 

"Were you sleeping with your eyes open, G?", he asks. She picks up a tictac displayed at the counter and threw him a pack of tictac and he shrugs, "what the hell was that for?". "No one sleeps with their eyes open doofus!", she said and rested her elbows on the counter. "That's where you're wrong, G. I watched something on Discovery and do you know...", she refuses to listen to Al's exploration into the discovery channel so she cut him off, "why are you here, Al? Didn't I told you to collect the dues?".

"Oh yeah, about that G. Everything went smooth you know, but then Fernando, he asked for an extension", Gianna sighed frustratingly. "He asked for another extension? If I entertain his ass long enough, he won't pay for a year. I'm gonna go and see him", she stood up and grab her leather jacket around the stool she was sitting on and wrapped it around her body. "Mama, I've gotta go!", she yells and then her mother steps out from the storage room, "where are you going, Gianna? I thought today was your day off?".

"Perdon, mama. There's a slight problem at work, you know how these people are. When I'm not there, they just can't do anything right", she walks to her mother and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Yes, Mrs Gerez. A woman's touch is so important in the real estate business", Al interferes. "You know Gianna, she does her job whole-heartedly", Blanca smiled. Gianna and Al exit the grocery store while bidding Blanca goodbye, "see you tonight, mama!". 

As they got into Al's black pickup truck, "here's your eyeliner G", he pulls out the eyeliner from the dashboard and hand it to Gianna. "Thanks, Al. You just know how to get my alter ego on", she flipped open the mirror and start applying dark and thick eyeliner above her large brown eyes. "What right hand man's are for if not to attend to her madam's needs". 

When they reached Mr.Fernando's car workshop, she undone her bun and let go of her auburn dyed hair and steps out of the vehicle. Fernando only notices Al exiting the car so he walk towards him, "I told you Alfredo, I need an extension", he smirks while wiping his hands from black oil. To his surprise, Gianna grabs his collar and harshly puts the side of his face onto one of the cars in his workshops, "the only extension you get is my visit to your shitty workshop if you don't pay up the protection money pal!", Gianna says with nothing but attitude. 

"G! I...I didn't see you there", he stuttered. Gianna lowered her head to whisper in his ear, "what makes you think that I would give you another extension when I already gave you one last month?".

"I...I have to pay the bills, G. And...my son's is going to go to college so I need all the extra money I can get", he explains and Gianna pulls back is collar away from the car and throw him on the cement floor. Al couldn't help but to chuckle on Gianna's friendly treatment towards this man. "Why don't you say so, Fernando? Congratulations old man! I'm happy that your son get a ticket out of this dump. Since I have some discretion in me, I'm willing on making a discount", Fernando's face start to lit up then Gianna named her price, "for this month, you just need to pay me 850 dollars". 

"That's only 50 dollars less!", Fernando exclaims. "YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?!", Gianna yells till her voice echo's throughout the workshop. "No, ma'am", he put his head down and Gianna folds her arms, "what are you waiting for now? PAY UP!". 

Trying to get back on his feet, he walks into his office and writes up a cheque, "I have no cash with me now", he hands the cheque to Al. "Oh we accept cheque. If only we have a card machine, we accept credit card too", he said while chewing onto his gum. 

Gianna hops into the pick up truck, "pleasure doing business with you, see you in another month". The both of them drive away, and Al can't help  but to laugh. "If only if your mother knew what you do, G".

She shot him a striking look, "that's not fucking funny, man. I could punch you right now, you know!"

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. But at least your mother was right, you really do your job whole-heartedly", Al mentioned. But Gianna's mind was thinking about Fernando's son that got a chance to go to college. She was lucky that she got to finish high school. 

"Lucky bastard!", she hit the dashboard and it drops open."Woah, boss! What the fuck?! Respect the vehicle", Al said. 

"This vehicle is a piece of shit anyways!", she yells. "Come on man....", Al tries to calm her down. "Shut up, Al! We're all heading nowhere anyways", she said and fold her arms, tilt her head to the side and look at the small town of Lansing. 


a/n: what do you think about this oneee? Guys!! I actually like this chapter, but that's just me. Tell me what you guys think, thankssss! :D

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