10: "you bet!"

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The things that Gianna had to do for Pepe was disgustingly manageable and totally undesirable. They have to walk in the street hand in hand, and Gianna could not be mad or punch Pepe whenever he calls her mi amor, and Pepe got to bring Gianna as his date wherever he goes.Since then, Gianna was never called to do a drop-off or do something that has to do with drugs, so one night in a club at Lansing, Gianna is supposed to meet Pepe and be his companion while he gets drunk with his stupid friends. She walks into the club and she sees two ladies can't keep their hands off of Pepe, 'what in the world does those girls see in Pepe?', Gianna thought. 

"Mi amor! Why are you late? I had to start without you", he says while taking a shot from a shot glass, he continues, "and these girls are just hanging out with me babe, cause you were late". Gianna rolls her eyes, "I don't fucking care, Pepe! Plus,  I have something to talk to you about", Pepe tries to stand on his own two feet and walk towards Gianna, "mi amor, don't be jealous, they mean nothing to me". 

 Gianna takes a step back, "get the hell away from me, Pepe! I just want to know when are you going to put me on a job, I've been your bitch for the last week and you did not gave me any job, I need cash man", she yells in his ear because the loud music in the club drowns her voice. Pepe smile and extends his hands, "You do have a job, being my bitch!". Without hesitation, Gianna pushes him against a wall, "I agreed to do whatever you say, in return that you give me a job so I could earn extra money. That was the fucking deal! If you can't keep your end of the bargain, then I'm out", she let her hands off him and turns away. Pepe smoothen his shirt and shout from behind, "you think you can easily run away from me? I could always tell Drago what you're planning to do behind his back!".

 Gianna stops her steps and take a moment to think of her next move, should she just continue be Pepe's bitch so that her dirty little secret would not come out or risk it, and be free from Pepe's leash. Gianna clenches her fist cause she certainly reached the dead end of her plan, Al was right. Pepe will turn the deal against her so that Pepe could make Gianna her bitch. She turned around to let her anger out and swing her fist, "you son of a.....", "becareful there mi amor, one wrong step and it's your ass", Pepe warns her. As she untighten her fist, Pepe has been called by a few girls on the dance floor so as an asshole he is, he took another chug of his beer and drunkenly walk to the middle of the dance floor. 

Suddenly Pepe's phone on the table rang and Gianna take the opportunity to make money so she picks it up, "hello, Pepe's not here. Who's this?"

"Yeah, I heard that he could hook me up?"

Without hesitating, she answers, "yeah, but you could talk to me. Where would you want to meet? You know what, I'll call you and Pepe's a bit busy cause of his long client list so if you need more, you could call me. I work with him". 

"oh right, great! Cause I heard he has the greatest stuff but couldn't even catch him, yeah I'll wait for your call", the guy on the other line agree to wait for her call and when she ended the call, she immediately deleted the call from his call log and turned her head to see Pepe. He was still being....Pepe, so she put the phone down back on the table and walked out of the club. 

She has her head down, not trying to create any attention because no one can know what she is about to do. She is going to sneak behind Pepe's back and make her own small list of clienteles from his supply but at the same time, she still has to act to be Pepe's bitch because she has to be close to the goods and to avoid any suspicion from Pepe. She lift up her hoodie while walking towards to Pepe's stash, all of the sudden, someone bumps into her. She was on the clock so yeah, she gets a bit infuriating . "Are you blind,man? Get outta my way!". 

"Sorry, I was in a hurry as well, but yeah, it could help if you look the road in front of you and not down on the road", he explains and before the both of them say anything more to each other, Gianna catches his brown eyes and hair combed swiftly to the side. "S-s-sorry Sean, I didn't know it-t was you", she starts to stutter. 

"It's alright, it's my bad, I apologize", Sean said and the both of them stuck in silence yet again, the both of them opened their mouth at the same time and they chuckle. "You go first", Gianna blushes. Sean gives a lopsided smile, "I wanted to ask you out to coffee if you are not doing anything, because I'm just going to drop these bills for my Pops at the post office". 

"Post office? You know that you could pay everything online right? Don't they do that in New York?", Gianna giggles and Sean answers,"yes I do know and it is crucial to pay bills online in New York because the line at the post office would be terrible. But my Pops is still living in the 60's and he can't operate a laptop without making his hands sweat so here I am, going to the post office". 

"That's so nice of you but I'm afraid I can't make to coffee, I have things to do", she answer and Sean's smile quickly fades because he really wanted to sit down and talk to her because he is trying to do that back for years now but there's always seems something in the way but he is not going to let her go that easily, "so, should I call you sometime to put a rain check on that coffee?", he says in a fast pace, thinking that would avoid him from appearing to be a nervous wreck but, that is what exactly he did. 

Gianna obviously can see that he was trying to keep his cool, "that sounds great, and so smooth". Both of them smiled at each other as Sean gave his phone to Gianna and she takes it and save her number into it, "so I gotta go, talk to you later?", Gianna starts to walk away.

Sean looks at her with this huge smile on his face and watching her walking away, he shouts, "you bet!". 


a/n: so a new chapter, hope it's better tho? Tell me you guys! Much lovess xx 

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