9: "wow, things really have changed".

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Sean slides a tight black t-shirt onto his body and put on some washed jeans where he guess that he would dress like this in Lansing everyday, in comparison with sweaters or vests with brown trousers as he used to dress back in New York. Despite dressing down, he would still take a scoop of hair wax and slickly combed his wavy hair to the side. He takes pride on combing his hair to the side because that is his signature look, he starts to chuckle under his breath remembering how Gianna recognized him a few days ago. 

He walks downstairs to have breakfast and as he enters the kitchen, Nana starts to chuckle. "What's wrong nana? Is there something wrong with my hair?", he quickly look around to find a mirror but he use the toaster instead. "No, honey but you look just like your Pops when he was young", he sighs in relief and take a seat at the table. He forks a toast and Nana continue to walk down memory lane, "I still remember like it was just yesterday. I was coming home from buying groceries and I saw your grandfather walking into a shop, he had the exact same hair as yours but it was in the 50's so that sort of hair was everywhere back in those days. He was so handsome, and I was completely mesmerized but I kept on walking cause he would never notice me, cause I was just an average girl. But then when I got home, I realized my mum's favourite biscuits were not in the paper bag so I rushed out and retrace my steps and as I passed by the shop that Pops went into, he came out with the box of biscuits in his hand", Nana sits down pour herself a cup of coffee. She smiles as Sean intriguingly listen to his grandmother's love story, "he said, 'I believe this is yours', I just smiled and took it from his hand. I was so nervous, my heart was literally dropping to my stomach. I just thanked him and he said to me, 'thank God that box of biscuits fell out of your paper bag', that sounded weird as first and asked why would he think like that? And then he answered..", Pops appeared into the room and continues the 50-year-old story, "then I said, 'cause now its my chance to ask you out to dinner'. And the rest is history", Pops lean over Nana and kisses her forehead before sitting down at the table, joining Sean for breakfast. 

"Really? Just like that?", Sean asks and Pops nod his head, "yeah, just like that". 

"But isn't that like the first time you guys met? You weren't even friends before and getting to know each other's interests? How can you fall in love just like that?", Sean asks and Nana answers, "we learned each other's interests on those dates, it's not that we blindly fall in love, considering how handsome your grandfather was". Pops shoot her a sharp look and she quickly change her statement, "considering how handsome your grandfather is, he still looks hot as a gun".

While feeding himself with scramble eggs and bacon, he said, " I doubt that it was that easy". Pops reply to his grandson's cynical view towards love, "oh it was easy, it's easy to know who you belong to for the rest of your life, but being in a relationship, take it from me boy, no textbook can teach you how to make it work but the even the hardest times looks less worse with that special someone by your side". 

Sean thought about what Pops have to say about being in love, and yeah, he would like to have someone like Nana is to Pops, if only he has the same luck as his stud of a grandfather. 


At Joe's Finest, Pops give Sean to take care of the front desk and work in customer service. He is not particularly excited at first because he really wants to go the shed and work on something but Pops has that worked out in the back so he has to be in charge of the front. The day was going by slowly and no one was coming into the store, so he decided to lean back in the chair and rest his legs on the table, putting on his headphones on and hope the day slides by faster with music fills into his ears. While looking outside and humming and suddenly, he spots the girl with red fiery hair. He takes off his headphones, run towards the door and calls out to her, "Gianna!"

The girl turns around and it's not her, the girl looks at him suspiciously and continues on walking. He mutters, "sorry" and when he looks at the girl again, her hair was not even red, it was more to light brown. He scratch his head, figuring out how he could see bright red hair from the store. Suddenly, someone pat his back. He turns around and sees someone he actually knows, "Robert?"

"Hey, buddy!", the two friends hugged it out and Sean asks, "you're not going anywhere this summer?", Sean can't help but to grin so wide because he is ecstatic to see his friend. "I heard you're back here in Lansing, so I flew back from Bora Bora just to see you, man", Robert replies. 

"Bora Bora? You flew back from Bora Bora just to see me, your old boring friend?", Sean laughs and Robert slightly push Sean's shoulder, "hey, Bora Bora will always be there, but you coming back to Lansing, a rare thing that I would like to see it with my own two eyes!". Both of them laugh but Sean's mind was occupied by a certain girl that he was dying to have a conversation with, at least. Robert noticed that his friend is a bit distracted so he asks what is on his mind.

"Buddy, what's on your mind?", Robert ask and Sean shrugs, "oh nothing". 

"Really? The last time I heard that was when we were in junior year and you can't help but to stare at that girl at school", Robert explains and then Sean squints his eyes trying to suppress the humiliation that it is exactly the same thing currently occupying his mind. He lifts his head up,"it's Gianna". Robert misunderstand and thought that Sean is reminding him of her name, "yeah, that's her name, Gianna!". Sean looks straight towards Robert, trying to tell him, that it was about her, again. "No, dude. It's about Gianna". 

Robert gives him a long look, trying to process the words just came out of Sean's mouth and seconds later he yells, "seriously?! Dude, seriously?! Is that why you came back here? You want to go back to your secret crush you had during junior year? You've got to be kidding me". 

"Well, yeah but no! I did not came back solely to talk to her, I wanted to get away and be with my grandparents, and yeah the thought of bumping into her did come across but I never thought I actually did...", as Sean is telling the story, Robert surprisingly cut him off, "you did?! Well, from there, you should know, she's not as sweet as she was two years ago". 

Sean chuckles and smile excitingly, "yes, I bumped into her, a few days ago in fact and don't be dramatic, dyeing her hair red does not make her un-sweet all of the sudden. People dye their hair all the time". 

Robert corrected Sean, "I'm not talking about her hair, but it does have something to do with the hair I guess..". Sean grows agitated, "what the hell are you talking about?". "She's involved with a street gang", Robert blurts out.

"What? Street gang? You're crazy, she was quiet and not a rebel during school. She never made a scene, moreover being involved with a street gang!",Sean gets defensive and all of the sudden Pops walk out of the shop, "put your voice down low, boy! Don't say such things out loud, you'll create unwanted attention and I have been keeping myself out of their bad books!", Sean widens his eyes, not believing what Pops just said. "What are you talking about Pops?!"

"Just...keep your voice down! Oh hey, Robert!", he whisper-yelled and goes back into the shop. Robert wave his hand to Pops but got pulled back to Sean's attention"What the hell was that?", Sean asks Robert and Robert folds his arms, "you better listen to him, Lansing has been rough since you went". 

"Okay, so let me get this straight. There's a street gang here in Lansing and Gianna is a part of it?", Sean tries to understand the current Lansing scene. Robert nods his head and Sean rubs his temples and breathes deeply. He is taken aback with how serious the street gang is because it even Pops on the leash, "wow, things really have changed".


a/n: Hi guys, things have been not so busy but I was kinda occupied. It took me 3 days to write this chapter, in a span of one week ! Yeah so I apologized if there are grammar errors or weak writing or some sort, but I hope you guys are still here with me on this journey? Cause us wattpad-ers gotta stick together! XD 

So please leave a comment, and tell me how you like the story so far. If its a shitty chapter, I understand, but as always, I'll work on that :DD 

Ciao, much loves! 

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