13:"being hopeful is such a dangerous path"

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Limping out of her house, her mother calls her, "Gianna, if you are not well, you can always call in sick. I don't think they would mind you taking one day off, considering you have been working so hard lately". Gianna turns to her mother, "It's okay mama, I have Al to help me and don't you worry. I'll be home for dinner alright? Where's Horatio?", "he went to a study group, maybe he'll be home late". "Alright then", Gianna kisses her mother on the cheek and makes her way out the door and as she opens the door, Al is already there, giving Gianna a fright. "Seriously, Al. Never thought to wait by the truck?", she limps pass Al and Al walks behind her, "I'm sorry, G. I just thought you need some help". "I'm not a damsel in distress for God sake's. I'll be able to walk and kick someone in the stomach by next week", she says furiously because she definitely do not like anyone to see her as weak. Al pushes her slightly so that she can go into the truck, "I can do it on my own!", she screams and Al lets go of her, surrendering. "I was just helping, G". 

Al gets into the truck and starts driving, awkward silence fills the space and Gianna can sense that Al is upset with her. "I'm sorry, Al. I did not mean to yell at you", she says gently while turning her vision to him. "I should have known better to treat you that way, I know you don't like it", he explains monotonically. "I should have been grateful that there's a friend willing to help me, and stick by me", she responds. He turns to see Gianna and her smile always had an effect on him, like when you see a cute puppy and all you want to do is play with him all day. "God, G! I can't get mad at you for more than 5 minutes!", he exclaims. She grins wider and hold his arm, "thank you, Al. Thank you for forgiving me, did I tell you that you're the best?", Gianna warms up to him. "Not enough, apparently", Al smirks at her. 

"Okay, back to serious business", Gianna lets him go and grabs a cap from her bag. "Already? I thought we could hold hands a little bit longer. You're no fun, boss", Al pulls his face. "Since when I am ever fun, even I don't remember when is the last time I had fun", she chuckles. She quickly changes the subject, you got that meat?", "yeah, you got the customer?", Al questions her back. She nods, "he was about to go to another dealer because we bailed on him last night but I turned him around". "You want me to do the drop off, boss?", Al pulls over within some distance from the junkyard. 

"No, I drag you deep enough into this, Al. I wouldn't want you to get caught if anything happens. I'll do the drop off, and the customer is expecting me anyways", she explains. "Alright, you'll wait here. I'll go get the stash", he says as he opens the truck door but Gianna stops him, "I'll do it, Al".

"You can't do everything on your own, G. Not in your condition. Who knows what the dog will do if he sees you again?", Al expresses his worry. Gianna ignores Al's concern, put on her cap, grabs the paper bag that has the meat inside and open the door. Al looks at her limping into the junkyard, "stubborn. I swear I have not met anyone that is stubborn as she is". 


She enters the small opening to the green container and she looks around, looking for that Rottweiler. "buddy..are you near? I got you a present", she whispers but nothing happened. She limps closer to the lock and as soon as she holds the lock, she hears barking and quickly she take the meat out of the bag and throw at its direction. The dog stops halfway and walk towards the meat calmly, as if he wasn't all riled up a few seconds ago. Gianna takes a deep breath of relief. She takes out a lock picker from her pocket and start picking the lock. 

She has been trying to pick the lock for a good solid 3 minutes and she looks at the dog and see that the meat is getting smaller and smaller by the second. She tries to poke around in the lock and try to find that two-synchronizing points..click. She managed to pick the lock and she quickly opens the door and she had to stop her steps because what she just stepped into is like a goldmine of  drugs. It fills up tightly till the end of the container, this is a ridiculous amount of drugs, she thought. She took like 6 packets and shove it in into her bagpack. She closes the doors back and lock it, and give a quick pat on the dog before making her way to Al's truck. 

She gets into the truck and gives Al a fright, making him almost drops his phone. "Did you get it?", Al asks when he manages to grab his phone with his two hands. She unzips her bagpack and shows him what's in it. "I thought you were going to grab only a few packets, this is a lot. How much did that guy order?..", Gianna cuts him off, "calm down, Al. They won't even notice how much I took, that place is fully packed with it. We just have to make small orders at a time, so that no one would notice any difference with the supply". "The risk on our little endeavour is too big for us to handle", Al says as he rubs his temples. 

"Risk can always be managed", she comments as she zips her bag pack. "Alright, got to deliver the goods to the customer", she continues. Al oblige and start the engine and make their way to the drop-off. List of worries and heavy concerns are rolling in his mind but his loyalty and care towards Gianna is too deep, and knowing her cause for the fight, he has no more energy and heart to pull her away from this hole that she has dug. When they arrive at the drop-off at some alley, Gianna gets out of the car and starts to limp to the customer's direction. Al is just able to watch her from afar, he can see the goods and cash being exchanged. She limps back into the truck and says, "a first successful transaction". Al starts to drive away from the alley as the risk for his truck to be seen around the area is one risk no-one can mitigate. 

Gianna starts to smile as she counts the $80 bucks she just received by selling off a few packets. "Imagine the money we could make, Al! The amount that these kids are paying for dope is ridiculous!", she pulls out a $20 from the cash pile and hands it to Al, "here, your cut". Al refuse to take the money because he's not in it for the money, he's there to make sure Gianna made it alive. "Nah, boss. I'm good. Just keep it for your future, yeah?", he smirks. "What? Don't be annoyingly charming, Al. It's for your time and troubles". Al still denies the gift but Gianna just rolls her eyes and slip it at the side of his bandana. "G..", Al mutters. "Shut up and take the money, dude", she insists. 

Al starts to pout his lips that makes him look like Uncle Scrooge, a relative of Donald Duck. "I have never seen anyone pouts like Uncle Scrooge when given money, plus Uncle Scrooge loves money!", she says to him and her phone starts to buzz of a text. She pulls out a phone that Al never sees, "who's phone is that?", he asks and she points her finger to herself. "Is your phone broken?", he asks again. "No, this is the so-called business line. This is the number where customers can call and make orders. Can't risk giving those junkies my number, what if Pepe or his guys find out what I'm doing?", she explains and Al nods his head, impressed by her street smarts. "Oh it's not this phone that's ringing", she says and she pulls out her own phone and she opens the text popping on her home screen. 

Sorry it took me so long, been busy. Still know who this is?

Gianna can't help but to smile and let out a soft chuckle. "Hey hey, did you just smile....looking at a text?", Al notices. "What?! I don't know what you're talking about", she responds and starts to type and hit reply;

I haven't deleted your number, so most probably I know who you are. 

She puts her phone back in her pocket and then a few minutes past, it buzzed again. She quickly pulls it out and opens the text. 

You have no idea how long I wanted you to know who I am. You free to grab a coffee? 

She covers her mouth, feeling astonished and Al as always , notice her gestures. "Now, you're excited looking at the text?! Is there something going on? Or someone...", he nudges her shoulder. Gianna pushes him away, "no, what are you talking about? If there is even a someone, I don't think I'll be worth his time". 

Al couldn't believe his ears, "You are Gianna Gerez, he should be lucky that you even texted him back. He should not be a waste of your time, not the other way around". 

Gianna lits up from feeling down from her self-doubt but still considering the reality, "being hopeful is such a dangerous path". 


a/n: more updates? Rahil, you are unbelievable. I just happen to have time on my hands and I miss Wattpad, and I finally have found the direction I want to take with this story. 

So, don't forget to vote & comment! Talk to you sooon! 

Much loves xx

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