7: "what do I got to lose?"

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a/n: Hi guys, it has been a long time since I update and if you guys follow me, you could read my rants about breaking my laptop and I only updated once after that using my phone, it was okay but the feeling of actually typing on keyboard feels like home! And yes, I bought myself a new laptop cause I'm starting uni soon, nervous about that tbh cause I'll be away in a whole other country! So, I would like to apologize for not updating in a while and I hope you guys are still interested in my story, it has a good plot (trying tho, but seriously give it a shot) and I will update as often as I can. 

So shall we continue with the story, put on your glasses! Or not if you don't need them....


Sean has safely landed in Lansing for the first time in two years. Sean notices Pop's tall figure and his jean blue cap on his grey-haired head at the airport entrance. "Hey, buddy", Pops hugs Sean and he feels a warmth he once remembered when he used to hug his father, but now, there's only left a cold chill tension between the two,"hi, Pops".

 On the drive back to Pop's, he takes a look at the town of Lansing and nothing much has changed. The shop houses are still  filled with people from the neighborhood and the road seems vaguely familiar, "so nothing really changed, Pops?", he turns his head asking Pops. 

Pops let out a chuckle, "The landscape of it, not so much, except the new highway that connects from the airport to this part of town. Other than that, everything is just getting older boy, just like your old Pops here". Sean laughs at his grandfather's remark and realizes that he hasn't called his mother yet to check in. He pulls out his phone from his pocket and made the call. 

"Hi, mum. Yeah yeah, just arrived in Lansing. I'm in Pop's car on our way to his place. Yeah alright, I'll put it on speaker", he moves his phone away from his ear and put the conversation on speaker. 

"Hey, darling!", Pops shouted out. 

"Hey, daddy! Please take good care of my boy, and if anything please call me right away. Not 2 minutes or even a minute away, right away. Got it, Pops?", Dede told his father.

Pops laughed at his daughter's sense of protection over his son, "don't you worry darling, he's a boy from Lansing, he'll feel right at home". 

"Okay then, Pops. Thanks again, and Sean, I'll tell dad that you have arrived safely in Princeton. He's still in his office having a meeting. I'll talk to you later, sweetheart. Love you", she immediately hangs up the phone before Sean could say anything. He widens his eyes, not believing that Dede mentions Princeton on speaker cause it was supposed to be a secret. He slowly lifts his gaze to to Pop's direction and he smiles cheekily  back at Sean,"don't you worry, boy. I know all about the Princeton fiasco, your mama told me. You don't actually think that I could just take you away with no background check on what's going on. I asked your mama why all of the sudden you want to come over when you told me you were going to school early this summer and she can't keep anything from her old man, even at her age", he winks. 

"So, you're not mad?", Sean asks. 

Pops raises his eyebrows in confusion, "why would I be mad, boy?"

Sean rest his elbows on the arm rest by his seat, "for not going to that Freshman Program and lying about it to dad". 

"Okay, first off! Lying is obviously not encouraged, especially to your family. Lying is crossing the line, let's make that clear but at least your mama knows about it and so do I and Nana. I'm actually glad I'm in the loop", he chuckles and Sean insists on asking about the Freshman Program again because he didn't explained on that.

"How bout not going to Princeton for the Freshman Program? You're mad about that aren't you? I should've gone there cause it's a golden opportunity and I have responsibility to the company...", Sean seems to be nervously repeating what his father told him and Pops pull his car to the side of the road, "Sean, calm down. As much as the program is prestigious and it's good for you, heck it's good for anyone! But if you don't feel that is the right place for you, then it's not for you. I'm not mad that you didn't go to that program, instead I'm actually happy that you decided to spend your summer here and not wandering around Europe or some sort", he chuckles and that remark soothes some of his nerves, and he is able to smile a little. Pops claps his hands, "so, I'm going into the shop for awhile to pick up a few things. You want to come in and have a look around?". Sean lifts his head and notices the furniture shop, Joe's Finest . Sean nod his head and the both of them steps out of the car, and on their way walking inside, Pops made a statement, "but remember boy, going to school till you're 18 is must! You gotta finish high school, education is too fundamental. You gotta have the brains, not genius brains but some brain you know", Sean nod his head understanding his grandfather's words. Yet, he continues again, "but after high school, there is where you got the brains on what to do with your life and what do you want to do as a career". 

As they enter the shop, Sean is amazed on  the carpentry pieces in that shop. There are rocking chairs, coffee tables and even key hangers and wind chimes. Every single piece is intricately designed, and Sean suddenly can't wait to get into the workshop and start chopping some wood. He softly touches the long bench and feel the smooth texture of the wood, and observing the *spalting of the wood. Pops stepped out of his office from the back with some books in his armpits, "you like what you see, boy?"

Sean grins as wide as he is able to, "the beauty is undeniable". 

Suddenly voices are heard and he turns to see some kids his age are talking and it seems like one girl is confronting three guys and a black pick-up truck is driven over the sidewalk. Sean muttered to himself but got overheard by Pops, "that girl ain't no joke". 

"She sure is, she used to be a sweet girl but since she lost her father and been hanging out with that crowd. She's the most feared girl on the streets, I hear", Pops explains and Sean widens his eyes in surprise cause the girls he knew back in New York only cares about the latest shoes, bags and throwing the most extravagant parties. Not to mention,  dating the hottest boys and richest of course. Sean diverts the subject with Pops, "so, Pops, do you think I could help you with the shop while I'm here?"

Pops pat him on the back and the both of them walk back to the car, "boy, do you really think you have what it takes to work in Joe's Finest? It may not be Manhattan standard, but it's the finest in Lansing", Pops smiles proudly and from the tone of his voice, he is proud of his shop. Sean nod his head excitingly, "yes yes, I'm open to be a part of whatever that makes Joe's finest the finest". 

"I like your energy, boy! You're hired!", he extend his hand for a handshake and Sean shook his hand and they laugh at their little role play. "Thanks, Pops", Sean adds. 

They got into the car and just about Pops turn to a corner, he got a good look at the fierce girl he heard from the shop and he noticed her fiery red long hair and leather jacket, but then as she tilts her head up to look at the sky, he sees her face. A familiar face, but yet different. He has been thinking  about bumping into her here in Lansing, but he always thought it was a long shot cause he missed the first opportunity and he might not get a second one. But then again, he thought to himself, what do I got to lose?


a/n: I just updated, how do you guys like it? Begging for feedbacks here!! You know what, maybe I'll be like posting this story and share it strangers cause you guys are so silent and I would love to talk and get to know all of you guys thats been reading, even though it's only a person. At least you're talking right? (to that sole reader who reads my story) 

*Spalting (notice i put a star on the word spalting? That's cause I'm gonna give you the definition of it, cause I googled it while writing this chapter) ; it's the dark brown lines on the woods. Simple as that, but if you want a longer explanation, here goes;

Spalting is any form of wood coloration caused by fungi. Although primarily found in dead trees, spalting can also occur under stressed tree conditions or even in living trees

(Got it from google, thanks google). 

So please leave a comment or vote, I would like to hear from you guys if there is any critics or complaints, or even a compliment! Hate comments tho....I'll take it as a critic! See, I'm approachable :) 

See you guys in the next chapter! (Why do I talk like I'm in a f*cking youtube video? I'm just excited cause I get to type with keyboards again, is this energy too  much? Leave a comment below!) 

K guys, Kbye! Loves!

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