5: "I have a feeling it's gonna be a good one"

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Maria walks in into Sean's room with a stack of polo's and slacks, and place them on the bed. He has an open suitcase laying on the bed, he is getting ready to leave for the summer. Sean comes out of the bathroom with his packed toiletries, "oh gracias Maria", he smiled. "Senor Sean, are you sure you want to this?", Maria asks with full of concern. "You're chickening out on me now, Maria?"

Maria angrily puts her hand on her hips, "are you saying I'm a chicken now?", Sean chuckles and place his clothes into the large suitcase, "no, Maria. What I meant was are you going to tell dad on me?". Maria now folds her arms, she's wondering whether she should conspire with Sean by not telling Aston where he was really going and keep this secret, she's only thinking of the long term  repercussions if Aston knows about it. "At least tell Madam Dede about it?", she suggests to Sean. Sean turns her head to Maria, "Mum? I don't know whether she can keep this a secret. She might will hold me back and convince me to follow dad's great plan for me to run the firm". 

"But she's your mother, mi hijo. She's a nice lady and there's nothing she wants more than for you to be happy", Maria tells like it is and Sean keeps silent because in the midst of Dede's busy days running a clothing line, Dede never failed to be a loving mother towards Sean. Some days Dede would pick him up from school and have lunch together. She even shows up to Sean's school events and she is the only one who has show pride in Sean's wood creations, but other than being a mother to Sean, she is still Aston's wife and she's very loyal to him and trust his every decision and that is why Sean is a bit skeptical to tell of his plan this summer. "I don't know Maria, the only person I could truly trust in this house is you", he says and then he heard Dede's voice and turn to see her standing by the door, "you only trust Maria with what, honey?". She is smiling eagerly to know what is the topic of conversation between the his son and his housekeeper. Maria bows her head and excuses herself, "I'll excuse myself, madam, senor". 

As Maria leaves the room, Dede sat on the edge of Sean's bed while he's packing his stuffs. "Aren't you excited to go to college, honey?", Dede grins and Sean just reply with a small lopsided smile. "I know, I know that you wanted this summer to relax and unwind but your father only wants the best for you, and nothing else", she keeps on reminding him. "And you believe that?", Sean asks her mother. "Believe that your father wants the best for you? Yes, I do",she answers elegantly. "No mum, do you believe that this is the best for me?", he stops his moving hands and look at his mother, waiting for an honest answer. 

"Maybe it is, as long as you are happy in the end, that's all I hope for. I know dad could be strict about this and I know you've told him how you felt about it but he has gone through hoops to send you to Princeton. One of the prestigious schools, aren't you gonna show some appreciation to him? He works all day and all night to give us this life", Dede answers. 

Sean takes a sigh, "what is dad doing right now?", he asks. "Downstairs, in his study, working I guess?", his mother respond and Sean walk up to his bedroom door and shut it so that his dad could not eavesdrop on what he's about to tell his mother. "Everything okay, Sean?", his mother asks with concern. He walks up to his mother, "mum, I do show my appreciation towards him. I've studied throughout my school years and never got into any big trouble compared to other kids. I don't party as much, flunk my exams or even do drugs. I didn't want him to feel embarrassed having me as a son so I stayed on the right path...", Dede cut him off and reach out for his hands, "and we are very proud of you, Sean", but Sean pulls his hand away, "I just need one summer, mum! Can he even give me a break? By hook or by crook, I'm going to do law anyways and all I ask is this summer, just 3 months of actually being me. I don't want to be Aston's son, I want to be Sean Clyde. I want to do the things I love to do, and get to smile everyday because I'm doing stuff that I want to and not for dad. I'm even gonna study law for him mum, not for me and he knows well how I feel about it but it is my responsibility to be the next Clyde to run the law firm and sacrifice my right to my future cause my future is Aston & Associates' property".

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