14: "nothing ever started anyways"

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Working on the box design, Sean wants it to be feminine and sweet how a french tulip would have an effect on ladies when they're given one. Sean does not have any experience giving a french tulip to a girl before but he knows that once he gives someone a french tulip, he is expressing his devotion and admiration to that girl. That is what he believes to be a marriage institution should be, devotion and admiration and that is why he decided to carve a 3-D french tulip on top of the box. Somehow the thought of french tulip leads his mind to think of Gianna. He plays back the moment where he bumps into her and when she lays her sight of him turns her disgruntled expression into a sweet one, his cheeks starts to reddened and his can't help but to grin in excitement as if someone released a jar of butterflies into his veins. 

Should I text her?, he thought. I have been waiting for the right time to talk to her for the last two years, would she even want to talk to me? Will I be making a fool out of myself? ,he lets out a grunt and put his head on the table as he questions the outcome on approaching Gianna, who basically does not know him. He lifts up his head, "but then again, what do I got to lose?", he tells himself.  If I make a fool out of myself, the only person that would know about it would be Pops and I think I can handle Pops. He would make fun of me but then he would most likely forget it the next day, he thought as he pulls his phone out and start to text her. When he places his thumb on top of the screen, he sighs and slumps his shoulders, "what the hell should I say?". 

He starts to type, hey Gianna, how's it going?

He backspaced and starts to type a new sentence, hey, you busy? let's grab lunch. "Lunch? Who goes to lunch? But then dinner would be too straight-forward. Coffee, coffee sounds good. But does she even drink coffee? Everyone drinks coffee right?". He replaces the word lunch with tea and after reading it, he immediately erased the whole sentence. "If she does not drink coffee, she could be a social coffee drinker, or she could always order tea. I would not mind if she drinks tea, would she mind though? Oh My God, who would've thought texting a girl would be this hard!", he says to himself. 

He looks around and realizing that he's alone in the workshop, he hits his head, "oh my God, Sean. Get a hold of yourself, you are talking to yourself. No one's going to answer your goddamn question". Okay okay, just text her. If she replies, great. If she doesn't...he continues his self-conversation in his head and to think if nothing gets to happen with her then..it's just not meant to be. 

Sorry it took me so long, been busy. Still know who this is? , he quickly typed and send. 

He lets out a deep breath, at least the first text is out of the way. The first text is always the hardest. 


"She replied!", he tells himself and open the text message. "Okay okay, what should I do now?" 

Suddenly he hears a push of the door and sees someone who he would not expect to show up at his grandfather's workshop. "Why are you talking to yourself like you're trying to hide a body?", Robert said, laughing at his childhood friend. 

"Rob! Dude! You scared me!", Sean said to him but he non-chalantly walks in and grab a stool. "Didn't mean to but glad I did", he smirks. "I came to check-up on you, bro. Your grandpa told me that you're here so, here I am", Rob extends his arms to initiate his presence. "Yeah, Pops gave me a project so I'm working on it now", Sean tells him and Rob responds, "is that why you've been talking to yourself? Trying to inspire yourself, bro?". Sean widen

Sean nods his head in understanding, "your parents giving you a pain too, bro? At least you can run for the summer. I am supposed to be in Princeton right now". "But at least your old man listens to you and let you come back to Lansing", Rob points out and Sean pursed his lips and shake his head. "Why are you shaking your head? Bro! Did you pull of a Houdini or something? Is that why you wanted to park your Mustang at the Hampton's house?", Rob does not hide his concerns. Sean raises both of his arm, displaying his guilt. "Damn, son!", Rob laughs. "So, who's at Princeton now?", he continues and Sean answers, "one of my cousins, that really wants to go there so I just gave him a chance of a lifetime". 

"How long do you think you're gonna play this charade?", Rob asks another questions. "Till the end of summer I guess? I don't know man, I did not think that far, I just wanted summer all to myself", Sean grabs another stool for his friend to sit on. "Well, you'll figure that out when it's time to cross the bridge. Oh, about that Latina girl, just text her to grab coffee. You could plan a whole Houdini stunt but you can't ask a girl out for coffee?", he nudges Sean by the shoulder. Sean rubs his head, trying to hide his embarrassement, "you heard the whole damn thing, didn't you?". Rob nods his head, not feeling an ounce of guilt, "it was fun for awhile but I had to come in before you drive yourself crazy, man. I thought living in New York would make you a smooth bachelor, but it turns out, you're awkward like the boy next door". Rob continues, "just ask her out, man. I admit that I lack experience in the women's department but humans do appreciate honesty". "You think so?", Sean hesitated. "There's only one way to find out", Rob answers as he clasped his hands. 

Sean blows air out of his mouth and starts typing, You have no idea how long I wanted you to know who I am. You free to grab a coffee?

He put his phone back into his pocket and put both his hands behind his head, "am I pathetic to still want to go for a girl from school? A girl I barely knew on top of that! I do feel pathetic when I think about it but there's just something about her,I can't quite put a finger on it. One thing for sure is, her face is unforgettable. New York or even Milan, I've never seen a beauty like hers before and here I thought she could not get anymore beautiful but she did! How is that possible, man?". "I don't know man. She's gorgeous, no doubt but you really have not seen anyone as beautiful as her? I find it really hard to believe that a guy like you has not seen a bunch of beautiful girls before", Rob said to Sean and Sean responds, "okay, yeah, I've had my share of supermodel-like companions but if all those girls are put into a line, I would still pathetically choose Gianna in a heartbeat, I can't explain why but I would do so". 

"Some kind of lovebug you caught there, bud", Rob chuckles and continues, "but you know what she is now, right? She might not be the same gentle flower you once knew from afar. Perhaps if you get to close, you'll get a black eye". "I've thought about what you said from that day, about her being in a gang. I know it would be wise to stay away because yeah, two years can change a person but like I said, I'm pathetic. I had to follow through and get some closure or I would regret for the rest of my life and question what could have happened", Sean explains and Rob furrows his eyebrows in disgust, "you sound like a bloody Nicholas Sparks novel!". The both of them laugh and Sean phone buzzed and as he pulls it out, "I'm just being honest, bro". He opens the text from Gianna and it says, I don't think you would enjoy my company, so I'm gonna pass. Sorry. 

"She turned me down", Sean's uplifting tone dies. "Aw man, I'm sorry. Maybe she's seeing someone from the gang and God knows you don't want to meddle in it", Rob points out a valid point and Sean hates to agree, "yeah, I guess that's the end of it then. It's smart not to push it, I guess". Rob places his hand on his friend's shoulder, "now I feel bad that you did not get to see what could have been between the two of you". Sean lifts his head and smile apologetically, "me too, man but maybe there's nothing to anticipate in the first place and that's why she cuts the chord straight away. She'll just be that pretty girl I once knew". 

"God, now I got to take you out! Let's actually go to Greece, I could get us tickets tonight", Sean chuckles at Rob's invitation. "That sounds like a ball, but I rather stay here instead. Thanks though", he tells Rob. "Okay, swallowing your sorrows by being a carpenter in Lansing rather than partying like a bachelor of the century in Greece is your choice", Rob raised his hands in surrender and he invited his friend to grab a bite instead. "Let's grab a bite instead, all this heart to heart makes me hungry for a burger". 

"You know what, a burger sounds great. I'm up for that", Sean agrees and takes off his apron and hang it behind the door and he laughs at himself, "I should not feel this depressed, nothing ever started anyways". 


A Second Glanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें