6: "I'll do anything!"

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Al pulls over in front of Drago's restaurant, D.  Before getting out of the car, Al turn to Gianna, "are you sure G? Don't you like our little debt-collecter duo vibe getting on? Do we really have to be apart of those dealers? May I remind you, Pepe is in charge of the operation", he warns Gianna as she is about to knock on his office door. 

 "Al, I do not want to be stuck with Drago forever. I want out of this! The only way I could get out is by paying my father's debts and with dealing, I could pay the debt faster and I'm gonna do it with or without you". She continues, "as for Pepe, I don't give a fuck about him. Everything has it's pros and cons, right? I'm going in", she gets out of the truck and walks into the restaurant. Al sighs frustratingly and follow behind her because other than being Gianna's right hand man, they are also friends and if he joins her, at least he could watch over her. 

Gianna walks in and tilt her head to Drago's huge bodyguard as a motion of asking Drago's where being. With his hands crossed in front of him, he tilt his head to the kitchen's direction. When Al catches up to Gianna, she mouths thanks bro. Al smiles and mutter her words back to her in a playful tone, and then he messes up her hair as a sign of affection. As they make their way to the kitchen, they can hear Drago complimenting the cook.
"Mamma mia! That hits the spot, just how my abuela made it back in Mexico", then he turn his head finding Gianna and Al by the kitchen door. "Aahhh, lil'chica! Come here and taste this brew, I guarantee you it's like a little piece of heaven!", he exclaims and hold a spoon in his hand.

Gianna steps forward, take the spoon from Drago and steps closer to the pot. She scoops and tastes this claimed piece of heaven. She controls her facial expression to not show her distate of the herbs being mixed together with water. She's more of a meat person, so all this healthy herb brew is not her cup of tea, "mmm, good", she lied but then she continue, "Drago, I have something to talk to you about..". "Okay boy, now your turn to taste this goodness", Drago cuts her off and motions Al to taste it.

Al raises both his hands and scrunches his face, "oh no gracias".  Drago hand him a spoon, insisting, "come on, she has done wonders with it!", but Al shakes his head. In a split second, Drago picks up a fork near him and throw it in Al's direction and Al stands there frozen with his eyes widened. He look to his side and see the fork got the end of his bandana pinned to the kitchen door. He breathes out slowly, relieved that the fork was inches from his eyeballs, "don't make me ask you again fuckboy", Drago says sternly. 

Al slowly steps forward, takes the spoon from Drago and have a taste of it. He tries so hard not to show disgust on his face and hoping Drago wouldn't ask for his opinion. "Tell me boy, isn't it wonderful?", he forces a grin and answer, "very good,senor". Drago laughes so loudly and pat hardly on Al's back and grab his neck, "so, you have something to talk about with me?", Drago turns his head to meet his eyes. Al tries to shook his head and point to Gianna, "not me, senor. Gianna". Drago lets go of Al's neck and spread his arms, "Lil'chica! How can I help you?".

Gianna swallows her saliva in nervousness, Drago might seem friendly now but when things do not go his way, he lives up to his name instantly. "Well...", she starts to talk but yet again, Drago cuts him off, " Oh good job with picking up the fees for this month, I hear you were persistent and that's what I love about you! Maybe you're gonna get a raise, who knows", he winks but Gianna does not have the patience to wait for a $50 pay raise.

"I want to be part of the drug dealing crew", she blurts out, right there in the kitchen and Al notices the cooks shaking their heads. Drago looks at her and on his way out of the kitchen, he said, "no, I won't let you do that". Gianna follows him, "why not?! I could pay your debt faster and...", "I want you to stay where you are, you're good at  collecting fees and not drug dealing. That's final", Drago cuts her off.

Dealing drugs is not exactly rocket science. Collecting fees are more of a work cause she has to physically threaten them but with dealing, they easily give you the money and walk off. "Por favor, Drago...", Gianna begs. Drago walks out of the restaurant and before he steps into the backseat of his car, he turn to Gianna, "the position has already been filled. If you deal then who's going to collect the monthly protection money? I need you right where you are lil'chica, and I never want it to change. Comprende?". Gianna bits her lip as a reaction to compose herself and nods her head. Noticing her agreement, Drago steps into the car as soon the car drives off, she frustratingly kicks the trash can.

Al exits the restaurant knowing that Drago had left, "it's okay G, you'll pay him by doing an another job, you could work in a juice bar. I hear they pay great and they even have benefits....", Gianna walked away in the middle of Al's attempt of calming her down. "Where the hell are you going, G?!".

"Somewhere that I never imagined myself going, I'm going to see Pepe", Gianna hops into the driver's seat of Al's truck and drives off, leaving Al chasing behind her.


Gianna drives around the city looking for Pepe, usually Pepe would be the one chasing and stalking her but desperate times calls desperate measures and looking for Pepe, let alone work for Pepe was certainly a desperate act.  At the corner of her eyes, she sees Pepe and his gang passing by some furniture store. She presses on the gas and turns the steering wheel, driving over the sidewalk, blocking Pepe's path. She puts the gear up in parking and takes a deep breath before getting out of the car. 

"Mi amor! Surprise seeing you here! You could've just called me rather than blocking my way but..I appreciate the gesture", Pepe chuckles and tries to put his hands over Gianna's shoulders but she pushes it away. "I was close to driving over you but..I have a favour". Pepe grins from ear to ear cause it seems to be his lucky day. "Que es mi amor? I would do anything for you", he said. Gianna folds her arms and hold her head high, "I want to be a part of your drug dealing operation". Listening to her request, Pepe extends his arms to hold her waist, "you want to work with me,G? This might be a dream come true! But you gotta talk to Drago first cause I can't just take people in, even though they're sexy as you mi amor".

Gianna push his hands away, "could you stop calling me that? I am not your amor, and only Al calls me G. You call me by my name, comprende? Plus, I talked to Drago but he wouldn't let me and that is why I'm here so that you'll take me in anyway". Pepe chuckles and raises his hands in a surrender, "then I'm sorry mi amor..I mean, Gianna. If Drago finds out I take people without letting him know, it'll be my head and yours on his dinner table".

"Oh come on, Pepe! I need the money, and you know I would do a hell of a good job, right?", Gianna attempts on convincing Pepe but he wouldn't dare to cross Drago. "Perdon, as much as I want to, I would like to keep my head". Suddenly one of his gang interferes, "it's almost 4 boss", Pepe nod his head in understanding and excuses himself, "I'm sorry mi amor, I've got a dropout to be, we'll talk later okay?". He leans forward to give Gianna a kiss on the cheek but she pushes him in frustration. He bits his lip and adjusts his jacket, "you look hella cute when you're pissed, mi amor".  As Pepe and his gang walk away, Gianna rubs her temples and thinking what could she do to get out of this game as soon as possible. Nothing pay as much as being the drug dealer and when she turns her head to the furniture store, she sees someone familiar but she couldn't pinpoint the name on the face. She stares at him a little longer and the moment she notices the prominent facial features, 'it couldn't be, can it?' She widened her eyes in shock.

Gianna quickly shakes the thought off because there are more important matters in hand. She needs this job, she needs the money and as they say again, desperate times calls desperate measures.

She turns her head and call out Pepe and Pepe turns his head and lift his head slightly as a sign on acknowledgement. She looks to her side and gathering the strength to what she's going to say, she turns back to Pepe and yells, "I'll do anything!".

A/n: Pls tell me how u like the story so far, i would like to know and also do tell if you do not like it either, just some feedback would be nice :)

Hope u enjoy this chapter, leave a comment and spread good vibes always.

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