A World Fallen Apart

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Chapter 9 – A world fallen Apart

Having dropped Jenny back at home, Gibbs turned to the two children in the back seat.

"Well seeing as we can't live on take-out forever..." he began.

"Oh, I don't know Boss, you've turned out ok," Tony interrupted.

"I think," he drew out the word, glaring at Tony indicating he'd heard the smart ass response but was choosing to ignore it. "We should do some grocery shopping. You two up for a trip to the market?"

Seeing both children nod, he turned around to the front and pulled away from the kerb.

As he drove, Gibbs mentally prepared for the next hour or so. Grocery shopping with kids was going to be a whole new experience. Actually, if he were perfectly honest, grocery shopping period was a relatively rare experience, not that he was ready to admit that to DiNozzo. When Kelly had been around, Shannon had always done the weekly food shop during the day when he was working. It can't be that difficult, surely, he thought to himself.

On entering the large building, he concluded it could! Whether or not it was because he was now more aware of children, but the amount of kids he could see was daunting to say the least. Babies crying, toddlers screaming, children running up the aisles, his senses were assaulted by pint sized terrorists appearing from everywhere.

Seeing Gibbs' face pale at the sight, Tony reached up and patted him on the back.

"It's ok Boss, it'll soon be over."

"Yeah," was all Gibbs could say.

He grabbed a shopping cart and, taking a deep breath, headed purposefully towards the fruit and vegetable section. Trying to make this as painless as possible, he quickly snatched up pre-packed bags of potatoes, carrots, broccoli and corn.

He was just heading for the apples, when Ziva said, "Ooh Gibbs, can we have some asparagus, I can make us a lovely roasted asparagus and hazelnut side salad. And sugar peas," she gasped spotting the bright green vegetable. "Oh and kale and fennel."

Gibbs looked down at her and, not wanting to appear too dim-witted, rubbed his brow lightly and quietly asked, "You know how to cook these things?"

Ziva giggled and replied, "Yes Gibbs. Would you like me to pick some out?"

"Yeah, you do that."

"Who knew, hey Boss," said Tony watching Ziva as she chose a variety of green vegetables, then added capsicum and chilli peppers to her collection. "I thought peas only came frozen in bags!"

"DiNozzo!" snapped Gibbs. Then he smirked. "The come in cans too."

As they made their way from aisle to aisle, he allowed Tony and Ziva to choose foods they were used to eating. Knowing he and Tony shared a similar comfort in simple cuisine, he realised having Ziva around, with her Jewish customs was going to be quite an education. He wondered what the people shopping around them thought as Ziva, looking every bit a five year old, would suddenly pipe up with comments such as, 'Let's have cauliflower couscous one night for dinner," or "Last week I had a fennel-orange salad with a lemon vinaigrette. It was very delicious."

He was also starting to feel rather uncomfortable with the looks some of the women in the store were giving him.

Bending down to Tony, he whispered, "Why are these women staring at me?"

Tony grinned up at him and, maintaining the secrecy, whispered, "With the way Ziva is spouting forth all these exotic recipes, they're probably thinking you're this wonderful new age single dad who's a whiz in the kitchen. It's enough to turn any woman on, Boss. Play your cards right, you might met wife number five." He added cheekily.

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