Hair of the Dog

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Chapter 20 - Hair of the Dog

Tony awoke Saturday morning to the sound of the rain pounding on his bedroom windows.

"What! No!" he exclaimed, jumping out of bed and surveying the landscape through one of the windows. Then, for no logical reason, he ran to the other window to see if it had a similar view.

It did.

"Daaad!" he whined, heading into Gibbs bedroom. Seeing the bed empty, he continued down the hall, muttering phrases such as 'It's not fair,' and 'Why does it have to rain today?'

He stomped into the kitchen to find Gibbs and Ziva sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"It's not fair!" he moaned, throwing himself on the chair.

"What's not fair," asked Gibbs, biting into his piece of toast.

"The rain!" answered Tony, frustrated that Gibbs didn't immediately know what he was talking about.

When Gibbs still didn't seem to understand, Tony sighed and said in an annoyed tone, "The tree house?"

"Oh," said Gibbs, comprehension dawning. "Yep, not a lot we can do today I'm afraid."

"I was really looking forward to starting that today!" whined Tony. "Tim was coming over and the three of us could have made a really good start.

"Four of us," interjected Ziva. "I'm here too!"

Ignoring her, Tony continued. "Now it'll never get done."

"Tony," began Gibbs. "I realise you're disappointed, so am I, but it will still happen. Maybe I can ask Tim to come around early tomorrow before the barbecue and we can make a start then?"

"What barbecue?" asked Tony. "That was last week."

"We're making it a regular thing," said Gibbs. "Now that everyone is doing separate things, it's a good way to catch up and touch base."

"No one asked me?" replied Tony sulkily.

"Well to be perfectly honest Tony, I didn't think I needed to," said Gibbs, getting a little annoyed. "They're our family and I think it's good that we make an effort to see each other."

"We saw them last night. Wasn't that enough?" said Tony.

"Last night was impromptu. Besides, Ducky couldn't make it last night and tomorrow Jimmy will be coming as well." Gibbs informed him.

"Oh great, more people," grumbled Tony. "Why can't it just be you, me and Tim?" he asked.

"And me!" supplied Ziva.

Again, Tony ignored her. "Why does everyone need to come?"

"Because they're family Tony," answered Gibbs. "What's wrong? You normally like it when everyone is around?"

"I get sick of it sometimes. I really wanted to build the tree house today and I thought it would just be us guys."

"And ME!" interrupted Ziva.

"Shut up Ziva!" yelled Tony, frustrated with her constant interruptions.

"You shut up!" she retaliated.

"Hey! Both of you zip it!" growled Gibbs. "Now Tony, I'm sorry. But, as amazing as I am, I can't control the weather."

Ziva sniggered.

Tony glared at her.

"The best I can suggest, is that I ask Tim to come around a little earlier tomorrow, providing it's not still raining, and we do some then. Other than that, it is what it is." Gibbs stood up put another piece of bread in the toaster. "Do you want any toast?" he asked Tony before pushing the lever down.

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