•Chapter Four•

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*One month later*

I'm sitting at home, and I'm going insane. Liam and Brett both like me. More than a friend. I'm freaking out. Brett's been in love with me for two months! I've grown to appreciate Liam as like a brother. Brett on the other hand...oh my gosh!

I need to stop.

I grab my phone to text someone so I can get my mind off of it, but then it rings. The caller ID is...of course Brett. I press ignore and throw my phone on my bed. I pace around my room, but stop when I hear a low growl. I slowly turn around and face my window.

Nobody's there. I must've imagined it, but I hear it again.

"Brett...? Is that you?" I call out.

Something large crashed through my window. I screamed a scream that should have bursted my eardrums. The creature grabs me and next thing I knew, we were gone.

Scott immediately called Lydia.

"Did you hear that?" He asked.

"Someone screamed. Like a banshee. I'm the only one here though." Lydia replied.

"Meet us at Derek's." Scott said and he hung up.

"Who the hell was that?" Liam asked.

"I have no idea. It sounded like-"

Brett crashed through the door, a panicked look on his face.

"Reign. She's gone. Someone or something took her." He said.

"That's who screamed." Lydia said, finally piecing it together.

"But she's not a banshee." Scott pointed out.

"Who cares! We need to find her!"
Liam's voice rose to a shout.

Scott turned to Liam.
"We will. We'll find her, Liam. I promise."

Scott was worried. Reign always fought back the supernatural. How could she have just vanished? Who took her? What took her? Scott knew how Brett and Liam felt about Reign. He had to find her. He had to keep his promise to Liam and Brett.


I opened my eyes and I instantly felt a pain in my leg. I tired to move it, but white hot pain shot through my entire leg.

I tried not to cry out.
I looked around the room and saw nothing familiar. I sat up slowly and saw a faint glow a couple inches away. I squinted in the darkness and realized it was my phone. I gasp and grab it quickly.
Why wouldn't the person, or thing that took me take my phone away?
I saw that I had a bunch of missed calls from Scott, Brett and Liam. Also a few texts.

Lydia: Where are you!?

Liam: Reign! Please answer me. I'm so worried.

Brett: Don't worry. We're coming for you. Stay safe xoxo

I quickly dialed Brett's number. He answered on the first ring.

"Reign! Where the hell are you!?" He shouted into the phone.

Hearing his voice, I started to cry.
"Brett...I don't know where I am. I'm...I'm so scared..." I choked out.

"Reign. Don't cry. Please. We're going to find you. I promise." Brett said.

"I think...they're going to kill me..." I said quietly.

I could hear Brett start to panic and maybe cry a little.
"We are not giving up. Don't say that. Reign, I love you."

Hearing that, I cried more.

Before I could say anything, I heard someone coming towards me.

"Brett! Please hurry!" I yelled into the phone.

The person grabbed me and I screamed.

"Reign!?" Brett shouted.

The Pack Will RiseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon