•Chapter Seventeen•

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"Has anyone seen Reign or Brett?" I asked angrily.

"I've called Reign 8 times but she isn't answering. I'm starting to get worried." Lydia replied.

"Well Brett isn't answering either." I said.

Then the door to Derek's loft swung open and in stepped Brett and Reign. Lydia marched over to Reign and grabbed her by the arm.

"Where the hell were you!?" Lydia snapped.

Reign looked at Brett and they both blushed.

"We were just hanging out at my house." Reign replied, her cheeks getting redder.

Kira grinned. "Sure you were."

Reign rolled her eyes but cracked a smile.
I walked over to Reign and pulled her into a hug.

"I need you and Brett to focus. We need to get Liam back and I can't loose you again." I whispered to her.

She hugged back. "I know." She replied.

Soon, we all got to work on a plan. Well, most of us. Jackson and Theo kept bickering and threatening to kill each other.

I noticed Lydia starting to get uncomfortable. I gave her look, but she shrugged it off and gave me a short smile.

We finally came up with the perfect plan. Peter gave us all positions. It was completely fool proof.

At least, we thought it was.

"Well, look what we have here!"

We all turned and saw Deucalion and his new pack.

I noticed that Brett and Theo had stepped in front of Reign. I was surprised Theo was actually on our side, but I didn't show it.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Oh Scott. You know what I want." Deucalion simply stated.

"You can't have her." I snapped.

Deucalion sighed. "Then I guess you don't want him back." He snapped his fingers and one of his beta's tossed Liam onto the ground.

"LIAM!" Reign screamed. She tried to run to him but Brett and Theo held her back.

"If you want a fight Scott, then a fight is what you will get."

I roared and all hell broke lose.

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