•Chapter Nine•

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I've missed Reign so much. Her perfume, her beautiful hair, just her in general. I instantly get a warm feeling when she hugs me. She gives me a hug that I know she's been holding in for a long time. She cries on my shoulder and I let her. I tighten my grip on our hug.

"Reign...I've missed you so much. You don't know what I've been going through." I say.

When she pulls back and looks at me with those big brown beautiful eyes of hers, I immediately want to kiss her lips. I want to melt into that kiss. She gives me a short smile.

"Liam...," when she says my name, I get butterflies in my stomach, "I've missed you so much too...I just can't believe..." She trailed off. I brushed her hair out of her eyes.

"You can't believe what?" I asked.

"I can't believe you're with Hayden." She said quietly. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"But I'm-"

"It's fine. I like Hayden. She's...she's smart and pretty." Reign said as she looked up at me. Before I got a chance to say anything, the bell rang.
She wiped away her tears and gave me a sad smile.

"I um...I have to go to class, but I'll see you later." Reign said.

I watched her leave and instantly regretted not kissing her.
I can't believe she thinks Hayden and I are together.

I head out of the classroom and walk to my locker. I get ready to do the combination when I hear someone yell my name. I look and see that it's Stiles.

"Liam. We're all meeting at Lydia's tonight to research more about banshees." He said.

I gave him a confused look.
"Why?" I asked.

"Oh because we realized Lydia is a werewolf and not a banshee." Stiles replied.

My eyes widen.
"Really? No way!" I said.

Stiles hit me upside the head.
"No not really. It's because we think Reign is a banshee." He answered.

Sometimes, I wanted to punch Stiles for being a sarcastic asshole.

"Alright fine. I'm inviting Mason though." I said.

Stiles rolled his eyes.
"Okay fine."

I wondered if Brett was going to be there. I didn't like the fact that he also has a huge crush on Reign, but they were close and I had to respect that.


Later that night, Lydia, Kira, Stiles, Liam, Mason and Brett were all sitting in Lydia's bedroom.

"Don't touch that!" Lydia snapped.
Mason put the picture he was looking at back down on her dresser.

"Okay. We have a lot to go over, but I mostly want to talk about when I found Reign." I said.

"Okay. So what exactly happened?" Lydia asked.

I explained how I had found her in great detail, also mentioning the fact that she looked extremely dead when I saw her.

"She said something to me." I said.

"Well, what did she say?" Stiles asked.

I looked at Stiles and Lydia. Bringing this up would also stir up past memories. Bad memories.
I let out a sigh.

"She said...Deucalion."

Lydia's eyes widened. Her lip started to quiver.
Stiles got up and started to pace around the room.
"No, no, no. He's back? That's just great. He might as well kill all of us." He said angrily.

"Um. Who's Deucalion?" Brett asked.

I looked at Brett and Liam.

"Deucalion is an alpha. He had a whole pack of alphas. They came here to take us out, but it didn't work out so well for them. Two of the alphas joined us." I explained.

"Ethan and..." Lydia started. She shed a tear but wiped it away quickly. "Ethan and Aiden." She finished.

"Okay so why is this guy a problem?" Liam asked.

"Have you seen him transform into an alpha werewolf? Of course not. He's scary as hell dude." Stiles said.

"Well then we get as much people to help us as we can. Where's Ethan and Aiden at? They could help us." Brett suggested.

Stiles gave Lydia a sympathetic look. He knew this was a touchy subject for her.
"Aiden's dead and we don't know where Ethan is." Stiles explained.

As everyone continued talking about Deucalion, I started to wonder why he came back in the first place. Derek and I made it pretty clear that if he ever came back, we'd kill him.

Without Derek here, he might be the one to kill us.

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