•Chapter Twelve•

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I could see fury and rage boil up in Reign. She looked like she could tear off someone's head and not think twice about it. Brett pulled her away from me and tried to calm her down.

"Look, I know he means a lot to you. We'll get him back." I said, helping Kira up.

Reign jerked her head up and looked at me. I could've sworn her eyes glowed.

"You could've stopped them!" She snapped. She balled up her fists in anger.

"Brett! Get her out of here before she goes nuclear." Stiles commanded.

We've all seen Reign go nuclear. It wasn't pretty. Aside from the fact that she's human, she gets scary as hell. Well, at least we think she's human.

Brett led Reign out of the warehouse where she would hopefully calm down.

I ran a hand through my hair and punched the wall. Kira grabbed a hold of me.

"Scott. I'm sure he's okay. Don't worry." She said calmly. I looked at her. "He was my responsibility, Kira." I said.

"Dude it's Liam. He'll probably annoy Deucalion to the point where he brings Liam back himself." Stiles pointed out.

I wasn't so sure.


I grabbed Reign by the shoulders and looked into her eyes.
"Hey, it's okay. Liam is strong. He'll make it out of this okay." I said.

"He's like a brother to me...I can't lose him." She cried out.

I wrapped her in a hug and stroked her soft hair. "It's okay. It'll all be okay." I didn't want to promise her anything. Liam might make it, but then again, he might not. That Deucalion guy was a scary looking werewolf. His allies were also an eyesore.
I continued to comfort Reign. She's been through a lot. Ever since she came here, everything bad seems to be happening to her or to the people that she loves.


As we all headed back, I couldn't focus on anything. I could only focus on one thing. Deucalion had an ally that stuck out. I just couldn't believe it at first. Then I realized it was true.

Ethan was back.

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