•Chapter Fourteen•

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I couldn't believe this.
I turned to Lydia.

"You did this?" I asked.

She nodded slowly. "You're mad." She said.

I shook my head. "No, no! This is great! We now have an actual chance at beating Deucalion now." I pulled her into a hug.

"Okay. So what's the plan? I thought you and Derek scared him away." Isaac said.

"He came back because he probably heard of Reign. She could be a hybrid of some sort." I answered.

Jackson strolled down to Lydia and put his arm on her shoulder. "So let's just kill the bastard before he takes this girl."

Lydia shrugged him off and looked at him. "As if."
She walked over to Stiles, who instinctively grabbed her hand. Jackson rolled his eyes.

"We can't Jackson. You weren't here when this all happened. He's strong. Really strong." I replied.

"We need to come up with a plan. I hate to say it...but Peter can come up with a pretty good plan." Stiles said.

Peter clasped his hands together and walked over to Scott. "Your scrawny friend is right. I do come up with good plans." He smirked at Stiles.

"Why exactly am I here?" Parrish asked.

"You can fight. You're also the harbinger of death, so once we kill Deucalion, the rest is up to you." Lydia answered.

Parrish glared at Stiles hand clasped with Lydia's.

"I can call some more backup if you all would like." Theo offered.

"If you're referring to the Dread Doctors as your backup, then you can leave right now." Stiles snapped.

Theo smirked but put his hands up in defense.

"Who are the Dread Doctors?" Jackson asked.

"You don't want to know." Lydia answered.

Jackson rolled his eyes again.

"Hey! Just turn on void Stiles and bring the Oni back. Then we'll beat them hands down." Theo suggested.

"I mean, do you want to get punched?" Stiles asked.

Theo chuckled.

"Void Stiles?" Jackson asked

I turned to Jackson.
"Stiles got possessed by an evil spirit." I explained.

"A Nogitsune." Kira chimed in. She'd been quiet and I almost had forgot she was here.

Jackson gave her a strange look.

"Basically Stiles was a murderous 1,000 year old evil spirit." Isaac said.

"That doesn't even sound remotely scary." Jackson snapped.

Everyone looked at him.
"It was scary as hell." Ethan said.

"Okay. So I missed a lot then." Jackson stated.

"Apparently we did too." Brett replied, motioning to Parrish and Theo.

At the mention of Theo's name, Jackson tensed up.

"Yeah, I don't like him." He said.

Theo narrowed his eyes at Jackson.

I could already tell this was going to be a disaster.

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