•Chapter Eight•

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I'm standing outside of the door at Liam's house staring at Hayden.
She's giving me a weird look.

"Reign? Are you okay? I should call someone and tell them you've been found..." Hayden says.

I still stare at her, then I snap out of it.

"Uh no. I'm fine. They know. I um, I have to go." I reply as I turn and head back down the sidewalk.

I ignore Hayden as she calls my name.

I run home as fast as I can. I run inside and slam the door shut. I head upstairs and go into my room.

I sit down on my bed and let the tears slip out.
I like Hayden and all, but why would Liam do this to me?

I lay back and cry more.

It's like Liam forgot I existed...

After reuniting with my parents and talking to the police, it seemed like my life was finally normal.

But I knew it wasn't.

Today's my first day back at school. I haven't talked to Liam at all...or Brett. I've been staying with Lydia or Kira a lot. I can't be alone in my room. It brings me back to the night that I was taken.

I shake these thoughts from my head and get ready for school. I throw on whatever I can find and leave.

As soon as I get to school, I see Liam and Mason hanging out in there usual place. I turn my attention away from them.

I ignore all of the looks I'm getting. I walk up to the door of the school and hear Liam call my name. I fight the urge to turn around and hug him. I hold my head high and keep walking.

As I walk to my first class, I hear Scott call my name. I turn around and see Scott heading towards me.

"Reign, I know what you're doing."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're avoiding Liam and Brett."

I look at Scott, feeling tears well up in my eyes. His face changes and he looks at me with pity.

"Reign. You've been through a lot, but please don't avoid them. They are the only thing good in your life right now." Scott said.

I blink back tears and look him straight in the eye.

"You guys are. You, Lydia, Stiles and Kira. Not them." I said quietly.

Scott noticed the tear slip out of my eye. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the nearest classroom, which no one was in. Thank gosh.
He pulled me into a hug.

In that moment, it was just us. I close my eyes. No one else was here in this world with us. Scott is the closest thing I have to a brother.

I let the tears slip out one by one. Then I hear the door open. My eyes pop open and I see Liam standing in the doorway.

"Reign..." He breathes out.

Scott pulls away from me and kisses the top of my forehead. He whispers to me, "You need to talk to him." Then he leaves.

I'm standing there with a wet face, red watery eyes and runny mascara. Liam and I don't say anything for what seems like forever.

Then, at the same time we meet each other's eyes. The waterworks happen again. I run to Liam and he throws his arms around me. We hold each other tightly.

I never want to let go.

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