Prompt #1

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Sentence Prompt: God! you just wanted to drag your nails down his back and tangle your fingers in his hair

You were like a teenager with a crush, which was embarrassing enough on it's own but when combined with the fact that you had fallen in love with him and that he worked for the same company as you; well you were officially screwed. Oh and it was all pointless anyway because he was already spoken for, he had a girlfriend. 

Your eyes lingered on him as he stood a few foot away from you and you blushed like an idiot when he finally made eye contact with you

"Hey. What's up?" 

Your mind went to places when he spoke to you, it really was quite pathetic how much he affected you. God! You just wanted to drag your nails down his back and tangle your fingers in his hair and 'no stop it' you told yourself

"Are you ok?" Seth asked "I thought you needed something because you've been staring at me for the last couple of minutes" 

Oh damn it. Damn it all to hell "I'm sorry i didn't mean too'' 

"That's ok sweetheart. I like it when you stare at me" 

Oh great now you were blushing from him calling you sweetheart

"I know it's inappropriate because you have a girlfriend-" 

"I did have a girlfriend" Seth corrected

"What?" you asked dumbly

Seth took a few more steps towards you and rested a hand on your hip "I did have a girlfriend. We're not together anymore''

''Oh'' You uttered

"Truth is that I've had my eye on someone else for a while now'' Seth added


''You" he replied with a smile

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