Prompt #5

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Sentence prompt: ''Hate me all you want but you can't deny how good the sex is''

You rolled over with a yawn, wrapping your arm around your boyfriends waist as you thought about how perfect the previous night had been

He shifted slightly "Morning" 

"Morning" you replied, leaning up to kiss him

You smiled at him as he looked down at you, his hair sticking up in different directions ''What time is it?'' 

"Dunno'' you replied, still half asleep

He sat up to check the alarm clock ''SHIT!!'' 

"What's wrong?" You asked as he got out of bed

"The damn alarm clock was supposed to wake me up. I've overslept! I should be at work by now!!" he said, panicked as he threw on some clothes "I've got to go, I'll have to shower at work. I'll see you in a few days" Seth said as he picked up his car keys

You fell back onto the bed dramatically. That really killed the mood "I fucking hate you sometimes" you complained pulling the covers over your head 

He made his way over to you, pulling the covers away from you ''Hate me all you want but you cant deny how good the sex is''

You couldn't help but laugh at his comment, even if you you were still annoyed ''Still hate you''

"Sure you do'' Seth replied ''Love you. See you soon''

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