Prompt #11

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Sentence prompt: ''I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified''

She had watched as he made his way through one girl after another, disposing of them once he'd grown bored; only to repeat the process all over again. She had seen him at his best and she had seen him at his worst; and through it all she had stuck by his side, but lately things had changed, feelings had arose and she had distanced herself from him, fearing that she would become 'just another girl' if she told him how she truly felt about him.

''(Y/N)!! WAIT UP'' 

Her eyes closed as she heard Seth calling out to her, she was walking through the backstage area and was praying that she wouldn't bump into him

''(Y/N)!!'' Seth repeated as he caught up with her. She had tears in her eyes ''What's wrong?''

Words failed her and she just shook her head at him  

''Talk to me (Y/N), please'' 

''I'm scared'' She admitted ''Actually no. I'm terrified''

''Why?'' Seth asked

''I think i'm in love with you and i'm terrified'' She admitted

Seth pulled her into his arms ''Why does being in love with me scare you so much?''

''Because i don't want to be just another notch on your bedpost'' 

Seth seemed to know what she was referring to ''That's not going to happen''

''You don't know that" She argued "Nobody knows what the future holds"

'The only reason all my relationships have failed is because I was looking for something and I didn't have it with them" Seth explained "I don't just want to be in love...I want to be in love with my best friend and my best female friend is you"

"Why didn't you say something?" She asked "If that's how you feel?"

Seth shrugged "I didn't know if you felt the same way"

"What if it doesn't work?" She asked "and we end up hating each other?"

Seth took hold of her hand "I could never hate you. You've stuck by my side through everything and I would have to be crazy to ever do anything but love and appreciate you"

She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. Seth held her for a moment before leaning down to kiss her.

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