Prompt #10

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Sentence prompt: It cracked and shattered and with it, so did her heart

She wrapped her arms around Seth as they waited for their cue backstage, he was about to have a match against Dean Ambrose and she was more than a little worried by the 'Extreme Rules' stipulation that was attached to it. Before coming to WWE, Dean had spent several years in a hardcore wrestling environment and she knew that he had the advantage going into the match

''Everything's gonna be alright sweetheart. Don't worry'' Seth said kissing his girlfriend on the head as he sensed her anxiety ''You don't have to come out there with me if you don't want to'' 

''I want to'' She insisted

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Her eyes widened as she saw what Dean pulled out from underneath the ring. This wasn't a normal table, this one had a glass top and she gulped as he slid it into the ring. He set it up and dragged Seth's prone body on top of it. As Dean climbed up to the top rope Seth didn't move and she screamed as loud as she could, trying her best to rouse him but it was no good. Dean gestured to the crowd before jumping and landing on top of Seth. The table crumbled. It cracked and shattered and with it, so did her heart as the shards of glass cut into Seth's skin.

Dean pinned Seth for the three count and she climbed into the ring, sweeping the glass away from him as she crawled towards him. Her hands shook as she saw the gashes across Seth's back, blood seeping from the wounds as he groaned in pain.

"Everything's going to be ok" she whispered as the medics ran towards the ring

She didn't see Dean sick expression as he made his way up the ramp

Seth was placed onto a stretcher and she walked beside him as he was wheeled backstage. She caught a glimpse of Dean as Seth was led towards an ambulance and she lost it.

"You sick son of a bitch!" She yelled as she approached him "You masochist fucker!!"

Dean laughed as he saw her "You say the sweetest things"

Wrestlers started to gather around them as she picked up a chair, throwing it at him. He moved and the chair missed him by inches. Seth called her name and she rushed towards the ambulance

"This isn't over Dean" she warned as she climbed into the back of the ambulance "You'll get yours"

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