Prompt #17

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Lyrics Inspiration: "You Make Me Wanna" by Usher

You and Seth's were best friends and you had introduced him to his current girlfriend. He would come to you for advice about her sometimes and you would often suggest things he could do to impress her. He would confide in you when he and his girlfriend were having problems and you would listen to him and help him the best you could. However one day it all stopped. Months went by with nothing, in fact you hardly saw him at all. At first you had put it down to him just being busy and didn't think any more about it but you missed him. You got up and got dressed for work, gathering everything you needed for the day as you left the house. You closed the door and started searching your handbag for you car keys as you made your way towards you car.


A voice you recognized stopped you in your tracks and you looked up to see Seth running towards you

''Seth!...what are you doing here?'' you asked, shocked to see him

''I needed to talk to you and it had to be face to face. Have you got a minute?''

You hesitated ''I've got to get to work''

''Just five minutes'' Seth begged "Please"

''Okay'' you agreed as you led him back to your house

You had barely shut the door before Seth's lips were pressing against yours

''Seth!'' you gasped as you pulled away from him  

''I know I shouldn't'' Seth admitted ''but I love you (Y/N)''

''But what about (his girlfriend's name)'' you asked

''Every time you'd give me advice on how to improve my relationship with her, I'd carry it out and it would work but all I could think about was you'' Seth explained ''All this time, you've been such a good friend to her but I just want to leave her and be with you''

''Does she know this?'' you asked

''Yes'' Seth revealed ''She know how I feel''

''This is so messed up'' you observed

''I know...and I've been trying to fight it, pretend that the feelings aren't there'' Seth replied ''But i can't do it anymore''

You understood where he was coming from, you too had let your mind wander as you suggested nice things he could do to make it up with his girlfriend, imaging what it would be like if he did those things with you instead

''I've been trying to fight those feelings too'' you admitted

''You have?'' Seth asked, shocked

''Yeah'' you confirmed ''Put me out of my misery and kiss me''

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