Prompt #19

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Lyrics Inspiration: "Somebody Already Broke My Heart" by Sade  

Seth had been pursuing you for months, showering you with expensive gifts and doing everything in his power to make you go out on a date with him but you had been hurt. Your heart had been broken by your last boyfriend and you were reluctant to get into another relationship while you were stil hurting. You liked Seth and you wanted to give him a chance but you were guarded.

You heard Seth call to you from a few feet away and you stood still, turning around to look at him. You were getting ready to leave the arena and he had caught up with you in the car park.

''What do you want Seth?'' you sounded harsher that you intended to be

"I just wanted to ask you something" Seth replied, looking a little hurt

"I'm sorry" you apologized "What is it?"

"Why won't you give me a chance?" 

Seth's question hit you like a ton of bricks and you decided that honestly was probably the best way to respond

"I've been hurt'' you admitted ''Damaged and ever since I've put a wall up''

''I understand'' Seth answered ''But you can't allow that heartbreak to stop you from finding happiness''

''I know what your saying'' you replied ''And you're right. But it's easier said than done. These things take time''

''Give me a chance?'' Seth asked ''We can just be friends if you want''

"Okay" you said with a steady nod of your head 

You weren't sure when or if you'd ever be ready for another relationship but you were willing to try; for him.

Seth Rollins PromptsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora