Prompt #4

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Sentence prompt: God, he was gorgeous!

You were walking down the street, listening to you iPod when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You jumped and span around to see a tall dark haired man standing in front of you with a friendly smile on his face. You pulled the earpods out of your ears 

"I'm sorry if i scared you" the man said "I was calling you but i didn't realize you were listening to music''

"Oh that's alright" you replied, flashing your own smile "Can i help you with something?''

"Yeah, uh do you know if there's a gym around here anywhere? I'm a little lost" he replied

"Sure, there's a gym about 10 minutes from here. I think it's called Hidrosis" you said "It shouldn't be that hard to find, it's a pretty big building" 

You allowed your eyes to wander and you could see he was physically fit. There was no way a man with his physique didn't know where the nearest gym was

"Oh thanks, i'll see if i can find it" the man replied "Could i maybe have your number, you know in case i need directions?"

You couldn't help but laugh. He'd obviously asked for directions as an excuse to talk to you but you appreciated the gesture all the same "Sure" 

''Thanks" he uttered "My names Seth by the way"

God, he was gorgeous! the epitome of tall, dark and handsome with a muscular build to match

 ''I'm (Y/N)" you replied

"It's been a pleasure" Seth said as he reached his hand out towards you

You took his hand and expected a hand shake but instead he brought your hand up to his mouth, leaving a kiss on your skin ''Hope to see you again soon (y/n)''

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