Prompt #13

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Sentence prompt: ''I just wanted you to know, i love you''

"(Y/N)!!" Seth yelled as you passed him in the corridor on your way to your locker room

Seth had been trying to talk to you for days but every time he tried you were either in the middle of something or it wasn't a good time

"I'm sorry, I can't talk right now Seth'' you replied as you continued to walk ''I've got to get changed and then go and do an interview"

"Just give me one second please" Seth said as he caught up with you "I wanted to tell you something and It can't wait any longer''

''Okay" you replied, standing still ''Sounds serious''

''It is'' Seth replied as he grabbed hold of your hands ''I just wanted you to know, I love you''

You couldn't help but look around suspiciously "Is this for an episode of swerve?"

Seth looked upset "Do you really think that little of me?"

"No" you assured "It's just. I had no idea"

Seth nodded, looking nervous ''It's cool if you don't feel the same way"

''I do'' you quickly added ''Feel the same way i mean''

Seth smiled at you and you temporarily forgot what you had to do before a producer rushed over to you, reminding you of your interview

''I'll um talk to you later'' Seth said as you rushed off

''It's a date" you replied 

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