Prompt #20

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Sentence prompt: ''Stop interrupting me!''

He didn't do commitment. After several failed relationships and messy break-up's he had decided against it but you cared about him a lot and wanted more than what he was giving you. For two years now you had been closely associated, both romantically and sexually involved and you were tired of feeling like nothing more than a fuck buddy. You had tried to speak to him about it but every time you did he would either change the subject or leave the room.

"Do I mean anything to you?" So far you had let him get away with it but enough was enough  

"Please don't start this again (Y/N)" Seth complained

"I just want to know why it's so hard for you to love me back" 

"I'm not getting into this right now" Seth argued

"Then when are you going too, because I've had enough!'' you announced ''I can't keep doing this''

''You worry to much" Seth got out of bed and headed for the door, obviously trying his best to avoid the conversation 

"And you only care about yourself" you countered

"You're over-thinking things. This really isn't as big of a deal as you're making it out to be" 

"You're an ass" you replied "And you're selfish. Have you ever stopped to think-"

"I'll only end up hurting you" Seth interrupted

''You don't know-''

''One day you'll see it's for the best'' Seth stated

''STOP INTERRUPTING ME!!'' you yelled and he stopped dead with his hand on the door handle ''Stop making excuses. Have you ever stopped to think about what I might want?''

He turned around to look at you "I don't want to lose you" He admitted "And if I get close to you, I'll end up losing you, just like I have with every other woman I've ever loved''

You sighed as you made your way over to him ''You don't know that. Just because all your other relationships ended badly, it doesn't mean ours will" 

Seth sighed, still unsure

''Can't we just try?'' you asked

"We can try" he relented

You threw your arms around him "Thank you" you whispered

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