Prompt #21

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Sentence prompt: ''I could punch you right now''

You understood that he was excited to be back in the ring after seven months of being out of action but you hated how reckless he was being, seemingly putting himself in harms way as he leaped off the top of the turnbuckle and put unnecessary strain on his already weakened knee.

"I could punch you right now" you said as soon as Seth entered his locker room 

"Well hello to you too" he replied, laughing

You glared at him, displeased "How can you be so reckless after everything that's happened?" 

"Babe my knee's fine now'' Seth replied, catching on to what you were referring too ''Stop worrying so much" 

"I know but it's never gonna be the same as it was before your injury'' you reminded him ''I just don't want anything bad to happen to you''

Seth let out a sigh, he understood that you meant well but he also knew his body better than anyone and knew how hard to push himself and when to hold back

"I know what I'm doing okay?" he answered as he wrapped his arms around you "Don't worry so much''

''I can't help it" you replied "I love you"

''I love you too'' Seth uttered ''and I promise to be more careful from now on''

You kissed him, resting your head on his chest ''Good match by the way''

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