Prompt #6

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Sentence prompt: ''Is there a reason you're naked in my bed?''

''So you know (Y/N)'s birthday is coming up in a few days?'' Dean asked, looking over to Seth who was sat next to Roman in the RV they all shared

''Sure, why?'' Seth asked

''Have you got her anything yet?'' 

Seth couldn't help but wonder why Dean was asking him. Dean was the worst when it came to remembering anyones birthday. He must be up to something, there was no other explanation

"Not yet. She's really hard to buy for"

''Well i know one thing that she wants" Dean announced 

Seth knew by Dean's expression that he was indeed up to something "and what's that?"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[A few days later]

You swiped your room key and opened the door to your hotel room, completely unprepared for what was waiting for you on the other side.

''Happy Birthday (Y/N)!''

Seth was in your bed and he appeared to be completely naked with just a thin sheet covering his dignity

'' did you?'' Damn that was a sight you never thought you'd see, a pleasant one but an unexpected one all the same ''Is there a reason you're naked in my bed?'' 

''I'm your birthday present'' Seth answered like it was a completely reasonable thing to do

'' did you'' You were really showing yourself up by stuttering so much but you couldn't help it 

''How did I know you liked me?'' Seth asked guessing what you were trying to say

You nodded and dropped your bags onto the floor

''Well a few days ago Roman told me that you had feelings for me" Seth explained "and I hadn't got you anything for your birthday so Dean suggested, well...let's just say this was his idea'' 

''Well'' you said as you sat down beside him on the bed ''What a present!"

''And i'm yours to keep if you want'' Seth added as you leant into him ''As a boyfriend i mean''

"I know what you mean" you said as you kissed him "Remind me to thank Dean the next time I see him"

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