Prompt #22

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Sentence prompt: ''It's official. The World Heavyweight Champion and The Raw Women's Champ are dating''

You usually enjoyed reading gossip websites. The news wasn't always true but it cured your boredom from time to time. However as you scanned through your favorite gossip site, one article in particular caught your eye.

BREAKING NEWS: It's official. Two WWE Champions dating

You clicked on the article and were shocked when you realized the article was about yourself and Seth

''SETH!!'' you yelled as you looked at a photo of you and Seth arriving for a house show, holding hands.

"What's up?" Seth asked as he appeared in the room

"Look at this" you said, handing him your phone

"Ha" Seth said, smiling as he handed your phone back to you ''Took them long enough''

''How can you be so chilled about this?'' you asked

''Why wouldn't I be?'' he asked

"You do realize we're going to be hounded now right?" you pointed out "Our every move is going to be scrutinized, I'm gonna get death threats from all your female fans, I'm probably never going to be able to leave the house again!!"

"Babe don't you think your overreacting slightly?" Seth asked

"Okay maybe a little but it doesn't change the fact that everything changes now" you sighed "I liked it when our relationship was secret. It was special"

"Well that doesn't have to change. The way I feel about you doesn't change just because of some article" Seth stated as he sat down beside you on the bed

"I guess" you mumbled as you looked at him

"Don't worry so much, you'll get wrinkles" Seth teased as he wrapped his arms around you

"You'll get wrinkles before me old man" you replied

"Oi! Who are you calling old man?" Seth asked as he began to tickle you

"You!!" you replied as you wiggled around, trying your best to get away from him

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