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It had been a while since the incident, but Leo always followed you everywhere. He was so paranoid after you refused Shredder's placement.

At one point on your walk to school, you finally snapped.

"Leo, you don't need to follow my every move," you called.

His head popped out from behind a ladder. "But Shredder could...!"

"I have my kunai, pepper spray, pocket knives and the blade hair pin April loaned me. I'll be fine," you replied. You walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

"You're just lucky they don't have bag checks at my school, otherwise I would be in a cell." you chuckled and head off to class.



"...And make sure to call me if anything sounds off... and oh! If you see anyone following you for at least ten feet, run towards the lair and don't look back..."

"Raph, I get it! I'm only going half a block from my parents apartment to school! I think I'll be okay!" You replied, gathering your school gear.

"But what if...!"

You stopped him from continuing by giving him a kiss. When you released, he was in his little daze he always got into when this happened.

You decided to take advantage of this and left the room for school.

"See you around three, Raph! Love you!" You called on the way out the door.



"Here is a detailed map of every exit in the building, here is a small set of kunai and some pepper spray. You sure you don't want an escort there?"

You looked from Donnie to the door of your school, which wasn't but a couple yards away.

"...I think I'll be alright, Donnie. You don't need to worry so much," you replied.

"That's what you don't understand. I do need to worry about you. I almost lost you, and I never want to ever lose you.

You smiled and gave him a quick kiss goodbye.



"Here's some ninja stars, here's some pepper spray, here's some more ninja stars, and here's a few..." Mikey frantically handed you weapons to protect yourself with.

"Mikey, school isn't dangerous, I'll be perfectly safe!" You tried to persuade.

"What if one of your math teachers is a mutant alien squirrel in a KRAANG body?!" He asked, frantically waving his hands around as to make a point.

You giggled. "I have enough protection now, and I know you plan to watch me while school is going on."

His eyes grew wide with multiple emotions shooting through them.

You laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "See you later, Mikey," you called leaving to school.

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