Chapter 9: Don't You Dare

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Riley's P.O.V

I stepped outside the house and the almost-night air was crisp. A cool warm. Locking the door, I set off down the street. I didn't know where I was planning on going, or doing, or how long I was going to be gone from the house...not like the boys would notice... I am nothing according to Luke anyways.

I pass around on some busy streets, some less busier than the last. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and checked the time. I left around 4:30 and it was around 6 already. I had no missed calls or text messages anyway. I just kept going, well away from the house now. Coming up to a practically deserted highway/street thingy I started to slow down to a complete stop.

It was a pretty high bridge over a somewhat vacant highway with only a few cars passing below. I flipped my board upside down, wheels facing up, on the sidewalk and walked over to the border that kept things from falling off. But this wasn't going to keep me from going over. I slung one of my legs over the edge and supported myself and sat on the little three foot wall, looking down at the every now and then passing cars. This was really it, I've reached my maximum... I cant do this anymore, Luke wins I don't care anymore. I sighed as some tears started to make their ways down my face.

Luke's P.O.V

I was starting to worry now. Riley grabbed her board and left over two hours ago and she hasn't returned yet. Fuck it I need to go and find her, I'm done playing this stupid little lie.

"Guys have you heard from Riley yet?"

"We were about to ask you the same thing.." Ash said slowly. None of us had a clue.

"Shit. We need to go and find her." Cal said as he went to grab the keys as all of us rushed out of the door. This isn't good at all. We all got in the car and Cal started speeding off.

"Why would you even care Luke?" Ash asked out of thin air.

"I can explain all of this..this might even be my fault. I was trashing her and hating on her and pointing out shit about her and.."

"What the fuck mate?"

"Listen to me, I never hated Riley...never have never will. It was all just an act.. I'm so sorry guys, truth is..I fucking love her."

"Woah" they all said at their own timing,some overlapping each other.

"This is awesome!"


"Sorry.. besides this whole predicament at least Luke liking Riley is pretty awesome, not the fact that you verbally abused her for so long but you get what I mean."

"I know, I know.." I said shamefully. We've been driving for a while and still no signs of Riley. We started coming up on an empty highway and I was getting scared almost. She could've run away, gotten hurt, taken, something! As we got midway over the bridge, there was a person on a ledge.

"Holy shit that's Riley.." I said practically throwing myself out of the car to go to her. Oh my gosh..

Riley's P.O.V

Oh my gosh. Their here. How did they even find me. I looked up to see Luke exit the car first and it seems that he told the others to stay in the car.

"What are you doing.."

"Luke please just leave me alone.." I said as a small sob escaped my swollen lips. He was getting closer and I know what he was trying to do.

"Why are you even trying to save me Luke? Huh? You don't have to pretend like you care just cause were in front of the guys.."


My grip loosened more and more from the little wall I was sitting on.

"Don't you dare...please.." he said almost close enough to where I was. I shook my head and rolled my lips, inhaling deeply.

He was so close already, it was either going to happen now or it wasn't going to happen at all. I pushed with my feet and my hands away from the wall.

"Shit!" Luke cursed as he tightly wrapped his arms completely around my entirety as he dragged my body back from the air and back over the wall and into him.


"....oh my gosh...I almost lost you.." he said as he pressed my head into his chest as I started crying even harder than I already was. His heartbeat was at a rapid pace. I sobbed into his shirt sniffling as the tears stained here and there on his shirt.

"I wanna die.." My voice croaked into his shirt. My throat was so sore from all the crying. The boys started making their ways over to us quickly. All of them with tears in their eyes. They all joined in and we were all a weeping heap on this empty highway.

"Fuck" I heard Micheal swear as he sobbed almost uncontrollably as he pulled me into him. This probably hurt most for him. I'm like the sibling he never had, and here we are... standing close to a ledge that I tried to take my life off of...

"I'm so sorry" I sighed sobbing into his neck. His hug was so tight. He almost lost his, as he calls me, sister. I hugged Calum and then Ash. I felt well beyond awful by this point. They all looked so hurt. In each of their hugs it was either a string of curses and sobs, and "I love you so much" or a "oh my gosh.." but Luke... I didn't understand. The boys got my skateboard and started setting the car up and stuff and I walked over to Luke. I just looked at him. He was leaning against the little wall. Just looking down at the drop.

"wow" is all that came out. He looked at me. He was hurt.

"I don't get it.." I said softly as he stood up straighter and coming over to me.

"It was all a lie... I love you so so so much... I never hated you.. never will.." he said as his voice cracked at the end, he turned his head looking back at the drop and facing the little wall again. I shuffled over to behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head on his back. He seemed to relax under my touch.

"Thank you.." I spoke into his back as he turned around to hug me and I started to cry.. once again of course. He pulled me in and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you so much" he whispered as the boys came over and gathered around with us, enveloping into a mosh of hugs and I love you's, whimpers, and soft sobs.

"I love you all... I'm so sorry.."

"c'mon lets get back to the house" I nodded as Luke held my left hand and Ash held my right hand.. Tonight with Luke should be interesting.. but I want to stay with him, and the boys.. I'm kind of glad they were there.

don't you dare (luke hemmings)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang