Chapter 10: Hold Me?

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Riley's P.O.V

We all got into the car, Ash driving, Cal in the passenger's seat, and then me in between Mikey and Luke in the back. I buckled my seat and leaned over a bit into Luke's chest. Wrapping his arm around the top of my shoulder, he pulled me in closer, the both of us relaxing.

"AWWWWWW" Mikey exclaimed while making a heart with both of his hands. Ash let out a soft giggle, looking into the rear view mirror to see us. You could tell that everyone was still shaken up, but everyone was calming down. After a little while or so, we got back to the house.

I knocked on Ashton's door awaiting for a response. He opened it while pulling on a tee shirt.



"Riley...I want you to start talking to me about things okay?" he said leaning against the door frame. I nodded while leaning in to give him a hug.

"Only if you talk to me about things too.." I whispered into the side of his neck.

"I promise"

"okay..." I sighed pulling away.

"You know the whole thing about Luke liking's true" he said a big smile growing on his face.

I felt a light blush creep into my cheeks. He giggled as I stood there somewhat embarrassed.

"awee you like him too!"

"shh Ash!" I whispered to him. He smirked at me.

"whatever goodnight" I said rolling my eyes at him walking away.

"Goodnight Mikey, goodnight Cal" I half on yelled walking down the hallway, banging my hand against each of their doors.

"I need my goodnight huggg!" Cal yelled running out of his room butt naked.

"Cal really?" He sighed into the hug, satisfied.

"You were almost gone..." he trailed off, tearing up a bit.

"Cal it's okay... I'm still here" I whispered giving him a tight squeeze around his shoulders and pulling away.

"night love" he said walking back into his room playfully blowing me a kiss as I walked to Mikey.

Looking down on me, he sighed lightly.
"I would've missed you so much.."

"Mikey" I said walking into his chest wrapping my arms around his torso. His eyes were still swollen and he was still a little tense. Setting his arms around my neck and shoulders he kissed the top of my head.

"Go get some rest, have fun with your new toy" he said winking trying to lighten up the evening.

"I will" I said sarcastically as I walked away.

I walked through the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Shutting out the kitchen lights and fan, I walked towards Luke's room. I sighed when I saw him, still in his jeans and shoes facing away from the door. I stood there watching...even if it seems creepy, but every now and then his body would jerk a little. My frets patted against the flooring softly, barely audible. When I got to the side he was facing, I kneeled down onto my knees looking at him. His eyes France's out from the wall to look at me. He opened his mouth, sucking in a little breath and closing his lips.

"Your gonna sleep in that?" I asked humoured, even though I knew the answer was no. He smiled.

"C'mon" I said standing onto my feet and holding my hand out for him to grab. Standing up he looked down to me. He's like a fucking tower. Smiling to myself, I looked at him.

"What?" he said, a smirk creeping onto those lips. I just shook my head.

"Get changed" I smiled going to the drawers to pull out a shirt for myself and some bottoms. I went to the bathroom, slipping on my pj shorts and a tight black tank top, walking back to the room, throwing my clothes onto the ground. Jumping onto the bed, I spread out like a starfish.

"what are you doing" Luke spoke emerging from the closet.

"shhhh I haven't been able to spread out for awhile"

He chuckled climbing into the bed, scooting me up closer to him I relaxed into his chest, leaning my head to his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me, and I could feel his hand set on the side of my stomach. Tensing a bit he looked at me with concern.

"I'm sorry?" He asked worried.

"No you didn't hurt me or anything, it's just that...never mind" I said holding onto his hand.

"Mkay, but your telling me eventually.." he trailed off setting his chin on the top of my head. I patted his hip and he raised his chin and I scooted under the covers. He turned on the TV as I got under the covers. Turning off the lights, he laid down.



"Hold me?"

"yes ma'am" the smile evident in his voice. He pressed his body against the backside of me. His arm draped over my side and the other was in between my pillow and neck. My legs and feet entangled with his and a sigh of satisfaction left his lips. I turned my attention to the TV. Some cooking show was on.

"Luke, what are we watching?"

"Chopped, it's a cooking competition show"

"ah" I said getting into the show. After one episode I looked to Luke and his mouth hung open a bit, his eyes shut. I slowly turned to him and whispered his name. He didn't stir a bit. I kissed the tip of his nose and smiled at him. Leaning to kiss his cheek I met his lips. He WAS awake this whole time.

"You slick piece of shit" I said taken back. He giggled sticking his tongue in between his teeth. I turned away from him, and he pulled me in closer to his body. What was happening? I left that question for another time as I slowly drifted off to sleep..

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