Flooding in the Ocean

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--Mephiles Pov--

Doctor Eggman has seemed to stoop low enough to ask his enemy for help, but I'm sensing an ulterior motive to his plan. That man wanted to use me for nothing more than a battery to power his idea of a time machine. Stupid, if that's what they consider a high IQ around here then I'm way more superior to everyone! They wish to find the chaos emeralds before me, but I've already retrieved four. With each one fed to Chaos he grows. Pathetic animal, relying on those stones for strength. I'll reinvent this world, there'll be no magic emeralds to boost the weak into another fighting chance, be it that I let anyone live... They think they have a safe place to work together but I find it about time to give them a splash of reality, and maybe check some enemies off my list. With only one chaos emerald left to find the two demi gods will have their last look upon this world. It will be all mine!

--GUN Under water HQ--

"Was there anything we can get on Mephiles before the Project Solaris incident?" Shadow asked.
"What do you mean? He never existed before that." Tails answered.
"Some how I doubt that. He's older than the City of solaris it's self before they worshiped the flame. Wasn't there a time before that? What was the solaris flame without it's people and followers?"

"Indeed Shadow maybe on to something. If you wish to go into the intricate details of Gods and things.." Eggman spoke from a mouth full of food, "Mephiles is indeed older than the two deities that were split from the flames, perhaps there's a story we can find behind that, how were there three bodies in one entity and why?"
With the thought Tails went to searching the internet for anything in relation of such a thing.
"Update me on what you get Tails." Shadow set down a folder and began to walk out of the lab, "Excuse me, I have some personal business I need to attend"

As he walked out he met Silver just out the door.
"Hey kiddo, how you holding up?"
"Are you and mom, divorcing?" Silver asked bluntly.
"What?! Where would you get that idea? No we're not divorcing! I know things are hard right now and my attention has to be drastically divided between this family and my job, but I love Amy with all of my heart and having a family like this gives me strength to keep me fighting for another day."
Silver smiled softly and nodded, "Okay."
"And I'm really sorry about Blaze..."
"I know, I can't let her down now. Even if she's gone in this time, I know we'll meet in another."
Shadow smiled back, "I really hope you do. Now where is your mother anyway?"
"In her room. I'll watch these two in here." He opened the door to the lab where Tails and Eggman worked. Shadow left going to Amy's room down where the troops bunker was. He knocked on the door before opening it and walked in the room.
"Oh. Hi." She answered back in the dim lit room. She sat on the bed seeming to have found a book to get her mind off of all the chaos that was happening around the place, and from what he had told her earlier.
"It's really bad to read in such a dull lit room like this." He answered going to turn on the light.
"Don't! Leave it off! Besides why do you care? You don't have enough time to care for me anymore."
"Amy... I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have said it like that, its not what I meant."
"You wouldn't even give me a chance to say anything to you!" She hissed.
"I know I know. Would you like to tell me now? I didn't come here to fight with you, I know I did wrong, and upset you more than needed with everything thats gone on now. I don't want to be the reason you have to cry." Shadow flipped on the light anyway observing her and her surroundings. On the bedside table he noticed the golden frame picture of their wedding day and it brought a quick smile to see that she must have quickly grabbed the captured memory incase something were to happen. He walked over to the bed and sat next to her pinching the book from her hands that covered her face.
"Amy, when I said I didn't have time for our problems, I didn't mean that I wanted nothing to do with you. You and Silver are all I have as a family, and you should know that I would die for that. I said the wrong things back then, if there was a way to take it back I'd do so, but there isn't so, I just hope you'll allow me to make up for it?"
Amy kept her head bowed sniffling and wiped away some tears, "How many times do you want me to let you get away with things like this? Yelling and saying those sort of things, and then come apologizing later on with the way you smooth talk your way into things like that, with that sincerity in your voice, that I always fall for."
Shadow smiled wider, "For as long as you're willing to stay with me. But I am sincere when I say so."
"Of course you are." She sniffled looking up and shifted to nuzzle into his arms.
Shadow then noticed the suitcase in the corner and a few articles of clothing in the closet, "For being extracted from the house on such a short notice, you had time to gather a suitcase of things and our photo?" He asked finding it a bit strange.
"Oh well y-you see thats what I was going to tell you about. After you left at the restaurant--" She was cut off by the sound of an alarm and the lights shutting off as the only light was given by the flashing red emergency lights.

"What the crap!?" Amy scowled unable to explain yet again, "What's going on now!?"
"We need to evacuate the base is--" Shadow shot off the bed snatching her up and lead her out of the hall to a stampede of running troops shouting out things.
"We're under attack! All the injured must be evacuated first, the base is flooding and with the pressure of the water it'll cave in on itself in less than half an hour!"

"Shadow what do we do!?"
"Get out of here to the sub. Mephiles must have found the base and has means to drowned us. Go run, hurry!" Shadow held her hand and ran down the corridor.

"Doesn't this feel a little familiar?" A voice purred, "the panic, the danger, the object of escaping death?"
Shadow wasn't sure if he was the only one that heard this voice, but it had a point he did remember. And upon remembering his heart wrenched in his chest causing him to stumble.
"Shadow!" Amy pulled him steady on his feet again, "Are you okay?"
"I-I'm fine." Shadow huffed holding his hand over his heart that was aching sharply and kept his pace holding onto Amy's hand tightly. "No more flashbacks. Not at a time like this."

"You know, those who don't learn from their mistakes, have a tendency to have history repeat it's self." The voice spoke again followed by a laugh, "Your mistake? Simple, getting attached to these things."
"No, I know what you're trying to do. It's not going to work." Shadow answered mentally back, "You're here aren't you?"
"Indeed, I am. But I'm afraid you haven't the slightest clue in what I'm here to do." Mephiles laughed, "But you'll soon find out!"

"Shadow the water!" Amy cried as the water began to flood in the base already up to their knees and the walls began to bend with water pressure, "Oh my gosh just like Jack and Rose trying to escape the flooding Titanic!" She gasped huffing out of breath with the extra work of trudging through the water.
"No time for movie references Amy, keep moving." He pulled her along finally at the main deck, the water was coming in fast an the base was caving in on itself like a crushed soda can.
"There's always time for a reference if it's a romance movie!" She answered trying to keep this terrible mood lightened as they were now crowded and shoved around by the many people rushing around to evacuate in a submarine.
"It was more of a tragedy if you ask me." Shadow grumbled being bumped and Amy had let go of his hand being pulled in the sub with the crowd.
"AAHH!! Shadow!!!" She screamed trying to fight her way back out but yanked back in, "No Mrs. you need to be evacuated! This one is all full everyone strap in for submersion!" The captain ordered as the doors closed.
"Rose!!" Shadow called back to her.
"NO! Let me off my husband is still out there!!" She hit her fist on one of the windows.
"So is mine..." A woman answered back sadly yet calmly as she sat in one of the seats.
Amy pinched her ears back looking out the window before they dove out of the base, the last sight was seeing the walls collapse with a wave of water flooding the base and not a sight of Shadow anywhere.

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