Chapter 5- Kick His Skinny Ass to Tribeca.

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!Tess POV!

“You’re not going to kill me are you?” I asked completely serious. I was seating myself onto a very fast moving object with a boy I didn’t know.  How well could this go?

“I just saved your ass from a demonic person and you’re asking me if I’m going to hurt you?” he chuckled, as he slipped on in front of me, while handing me a helment. “Besides if I wanted you hurt, you’d be in the hospital by now…” he drifted off, but something in his voice was sharper than normal.

This reminded me of the first time we met. How he was running from the cops. Who said he was a public disturbance. And how he pressed me into a wall to keep quite. And how I now that I think about it, I really didn’t mind being pressed up against…. STOP!

“So, why were you running form the cops the other night?” I asked getting right to the point.

I watched as his hands stiffened their hold on the handlebars. We had barley begun to pull out of the parking space. And i felt his back tighten at me question, letting me know that I had found a button that unless I really wanted to the answer I should stop pressing that button. 

“Um, a dispute between a friend from the past.” He said, mysteriously.  I shrugged and let it go. Only speaking to give directions to my house, I stayed silent the rest of the drive. except for the occasioanl scream i let when he took a turn to sharply. 

As I got out, I realized he turned off the bike and was stepping off with me.

“What are you doing?” I asked skeptically. Was he going to come inside? Should I let him?

“I’m coming in to make sure you get some ice on that. It’s already starting to bruise. That's going to last at least a week and a half.” He said walking to the front of my house. i took off the helmet he offered me eailrer and set it down on the handle bar.

Shaking my head, I followed. Opening the door I stepped in first, Declan hot on my heels.

“Tucker?” I called out. No response, which was good.

I led Declan to the kitchen, which he proceeded to root through my freezer. He came out with an ice pack and a towel.

“Sit.” He told me. Motioning to the bar stool,

“Who made you commander in chief?” I asked, yet I still sat down.

“Hunter. When I can see his handy work on your face, and when I know a thing or to about bruises. Has he ever hit you before?” Declan’s voice turned cold. I flinched slightly at the image. I could plainly see the look of hatred flowing off of him to my ex-boyfriend. and slightly directed towards me.

“No, he’s never hit me before,” I said keeping my eyes down. Yet, they were pulled back up when warm fingers lightly gripped my chin pulling my face up. Declan sighed, and gently turned my battered cheek to him.

“Oh shit, ow oh wow.” I complained as he lightly pressed the icepack into my skin.

“Sorry. Sorry.” He said.

“It’s not your fault. But I swear if I see him in like the next forty years, I’m going to kick his skinny ass to Tribeca. God, he was such a good guy in the begging, and he was just slowly turning into this jackass who didn’t respect me. And you know what- I fell for it. I fell for his good looks and rehearsed words. You want to know the worst part? I’m ranting about him still. Ugh!”  I growled and threw my hands in the air, jolting the ice Declan had pressed up against my cheek. 

"Ow!" I flinched. Declan gave me a pointed look that said  your-fault. I rolled my eyes and sat back down on the stool taking the ice from him. 

"Where'd you learn to fight like that?" I asked suddenly replying the fight in my head and remembering Declan's toned hands stopping Hunter's angry rant. 

"You don't beat around the bush do you?" Declan chuckled at me leaning against the counter across from me. 

"I fell like stupid questions get people stupid answer. or no where. If you want to know something, just ask. So where'd you learn to fight like that?" I asked again, truly curious.

"When I lived back in my Chicago, I used to take karate lessons. I ended up getting really good at it." Declan said in a vague tone.  

"Right," I said, glancing at the clock. "Shit is that the time?" I screamed.

I jumped up off the stool, and took off up the stairs to grab my dance bag. It was already packed, thank goodness, considering  I was going to be late for dance practice. It was almost 4 o'clock and and dace started at 4 sharp.  And considering i was blowing off one of my working buties i should at least go to dance practice. i was only given a reprieve if i wasn't working. 

"Shit shit shit... I mumbled to myself as I skipped back down the stairs to see a very amused boy. 

A very attractive looking ( very comfortable in my kitchen)  boy. 

"Uhh, sorry about the late notice but, I need to get to dance practice and I can't have you here by your self when my dad gets home. That would be bad." the last sentence I said more to myself.

I walked over to where he stood leaning against the counter arms plugged into his pockets exposing the rippled muscle underneath his pushed up sleeve. God he was attractive...... Tess gosh darn it you can not have those thoughts! 

"How are you getting to the studio?" he asked with a slight smirk. Something told me he knew that I was going to have to run like usual, and he was going to make fun of me for that.

"Um, my feet?" It came out as more of a question. 

"Yeah no, not with you're crazy ex-boyfriend on the loose, you're not." he said pushing of the counter towards me. For some reason, even though he was a complete and total stranger, I felt like I could trust him to keep Hunter away from me- to keep me safe. Even with my cop father and overly protective brother, I had never felt this way. 

"Oh so what do you propose happen?" I asked getting irritated, that I was going ot be even later than normal.  

"I'm going to drive you. Duh." he said. With that he left my kitchen with me staring at his back in astonishment. What?

I walked outside to see  him holding the front door open for me, looking at me with a bored expression. 

"Do you want to be on time or not?" 

With that I scurried on door and over to the death trap that i was going to be riding. Again. i really felt like i was never going to be a fan of mortocycles. We drove in silence for the next ten minutes until he parked that bike for me to get off. 

However, when I slid off, so did he. Again. I was wondering if this was going to become a habbit of his. Following me after giving me a ride to where i needed to be. 

"Uh?" I questioned, walking up to the studio doors. 

"I drove you here, I'm driving you back." was all he said before following me into the building. I said Hello to Sarah and Jill, the ladies behind the front counter and grabbed the key to my dance room-9. 

I did however notice Jills questioning glace at my cheeck and i didn't miss Sarahs wihipsered question "What happened to her? and Who is that?"

I ignored them and made my way to the back of the sudio. There were 10 rooms in the building that had varying ages in each one. Rooms 1-4 were the elementary school kids. 5-7 were the group rooms for ages over 12. and rooms 8-10 were for private use and for the solo competition girls. Like me. 

I opened the room and threw my bag in the far corner, after taking out my iPod. I plugged it into the sound system and cued up my warm up play list before I started on my recital song. I totally forgot about my missed shift at work, the boy who had bruised my face, and the boy who sat in the corner.  

And thats how I liked it. 


I'm so sorry i haven't posted in a while!!!! I sorta lost motovation, but I found it once again, and i've just been so busy with work and school! but Now I'm back! what do you think~?


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