Chapter 13- If Anything Happens

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"Where's that come from?" I asked looking down at Tess. We had finally pulled apart and I was a little stunned that whatever that was, just happened. 

"Not really sure, but I know that I liked it." she said, looking up to meet my eyes. Her face was slightly pink, like she was blushing. I bent down and kissed her nose. No idea why, I just did. We were still standing as close to gather as possible, my arms around her waist her fingers hooked in my belt loops. 

"What are we doing?" she asked suddenly. She wasn't looking at me anymore, she was looking down at the floor. 

"I don't know. I don't know where this is going or where I want it to go.-" I started but she looked up at me sharply. 

"Tell me." She said, taking two steps back from me. I now knew that I was entering dangerous territory, and that  I was going to be in for a world of hurt if things did not go the way I needed them to. 

"What do you want to know?" I sighed, shoving my hands deep into my pockets and rocking back onto my feet. 

"What does you tattoo mean?" 

I looked up at her, completely taken aback. That was not what I had expected from her, then again I should now by now to expect the unexpected with Tess. 

"It's the Ace of Hearts. One of four, actually. Ace of Diamonds, Hearts, Clubs, and Spades. You met Spade the other night and the guy from the club was Diamond.  We all used to be really close..." I continued on, telling her everything from how we had all practically grown up together. How we were more like brothers, than anything. How we all became certified black belts and how Carter wanted to exploit that and got in trouble with the Latin Kings. 

I told her everything from that night at the club, to Matty dying, and the fact that Carter wants revenge.

"So, that's what you meant about danger?" Tess asks, one again standing in front me. But we weren't touch, much to my dislike.

"Yeah. And even though I shouldn't be any where near you right now, i just can't seem to keep my self from you, Tess." I whispered. I'd never felt vulnerable before. Not when I was getting the shit kick out of me at a competition (which wasn't often) or when my best friend told me he wanted to see my name on a grave stone. But standing here, in the semi-darkness with girl I had feelings for, I felt like was stripped down and standing there in nothing but my Ace tattoo. 

And I wouldn't have it any other way. 


Declan's story was a lot to take in. Like a shit ton of information to process, but the first thing that popped through my mouth was "Are you okay?"

His head snapped up to meet mine. We were currently sitting on the floor, our backs against the dance mirror, and he was still taller than me. But his head was hung low until I asked the question. 

"What do you mean?" he asked slowly. 

"Well," I started, trying to process how I should say this. "You, Carter, Tatum and Matty, were like brother right? So weren't you effected by his death too? I mean it sounds like you just up and left and had no time to grieve over the loss of your best friend. So what I'm asking is have you gotten over the loss of Matty?" I said, not looking at him, but down at our intertwined hands.

"No one's asked me how Ive felt. It was just decided that it was my fault, and that was it. i haven't come to terms with the fact that a brother of mine was killed-" Declan took in a sharp breath. I noticed that he was now shaking. With anger, confusion, frustration, or sadness I couldn't tell, I just knew that he need me to be here for him. 

 I turned and pulled him to me, his forehead on my shoulder, his face in the crook of my neck. 

"He was my brother. And now he's just gone-" Declan, shook more against me. His arms wrapped around me, and suddenly I was pulled off my spot on the floor and pulled into his lap. How he was able to do that so easily, I have no idea, but I wasn't about to protest at this moment. 

"Shh, let it out. Come on, baby let it out." I whispered. I was sitting in between in his legs, mine wrapped around his waist, his knees up securing me. His arms had a vice grip around my waist and my own arms were wrapped tightly around his shoulders, my hands stroking his back. 

"Tess," his voice was so soft I could barely hear it. 

"Yes?' I asked.

"I wasn't there for him. I wasn't able to protect him. How can you be near me if I couldn't protect the one person I needed to?" he asked.

I gently pulled his face from out it's hiding spot in my neck. I could feel that my flannel shirt was damp from where his face was, so I knew that a few tear had slipped out of his eyes, and I also knew that he was more beautiful to me than anything I'd ever seen. 

I touched his face gently, tracing a tear with my finger and catching another one before it fell from his cheek. 

"I can be near you because I trust you. I know that what happened to Matty was a fluke. And if anything happens to me, I have absolute faith that you will protect me. No matter what. I trust you." 

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