Chapter 17- Inflict

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The only thing that I was absolutely sure of was pain. The kind of pain that knows no end, knows no fear, and has only one purpose- to inflict. That's all I knew at this moment. 

I had woken up some time ago. I had no way of telling time; it was dark and dank in this hell I was currently in. My wrist were chained in some metal contraption and held above my head and I was bent on my knees in the most uncomfortable position I have even been in. 

My legs had gone numb and I could barely feel my fingers. I could only open one eyes and I guessed that my left eye wouldn't open due to the swelling of a black eye, my lips felt swollen and busted. It was extremely hard to breathe and I concluded I had a a couple very badly bruised ribs, if not one or two broken. 

My back ached like it does after a bad fall, a I faintly remember being dragged down the stairs. However my memories of the past night are a little foggy.

In fact I didn't even feel awake due to the haze in my head. 

But I do remember being taken from my bed, being gagged and having my hands tied behind my back, and then being shoved into the trunk of a car. 

I tried to focus and count as we continued driving but then i realised they started doing circles so I couldn't anymore. 

"Ah and our guest is awake. I thought you'd be out for at least two more hours with the beat you took earlier. But something told me you were feisty. You are feisty, right?" A voice came from my left. I lolled my head to the side, well I tried. I didn't get very far, before I gasped in pain. 

I decided not to reply to the voice and instead try and clear my head of the fogginess that seemed to plague it. 

"Hmm, more stubborn than feisty. But I'll break you soon enough." the voice was defiantly male, and i had the feint recognition that I had heard it before. 

"Diamond." was all that came out of my mouth. My voice was raspy, my throat parched and dry, my mouth a muddle of cotton. 

"Ah so you know who I am? My boy Heart must have said some things about me yes? I'm curious, what, do tell, did he say of me?" I was aware of a figure looming above me, and I mustered enough straight to look up and into the face of my kidnapper. 

"That you're fucking insane." with that I spit what liquid I could gather on his expensive, fancy leather shoes. 

Suddenly a loud sound reverberated through out the room were were in and i was thrown against my restraints. A burning heat was slapped onto my cheek and I watched him rub the back of his hands like I hurt him

"That tounge of yours is quick isn't it. I wonder what it takes to make you scream. Has Declan made you scream?" he said jerking my chin up with the palm of his hand. I saw the glint of sliver from the corner of my eye and I relised he was holding a knife. I refused to show fear to this lunitic, so I striaghted my shoulders as much as possible. 

"Well, Declan doesn't matter, becasue soon enough you'll be screaming my name. And my name only." 

Carter brought the tip of the knife up to my wrist just below the maniacal. Then in a swift movement, I felt the rush of blood and the searing pain inflicted. I winced and closed my eyes as my body registered the new gash. But I did not cry out. 

I did not cry out as he made another slit to my other wrist. 

I did not  sshriek as he slashed behind my shoulder blades. 

I did not squeal as his goons took turns throwing their fists at my body.

And I most certainly did not squeak when his booted foot connected with my back. 

I did not scream. 


"Where is she!?"  I screamed at Tatum as he hunched over my phone tracing the text and video. It was three in the morning and ever since the video was sent to me eleven hours ago, I had been fuming in agony and anger. Spade had been working on the phone call for the past four hours after I had run to Tess's house and seeing her room in shambles.

The desk lamp was on the floor shattered, her desk chair was on the floor up ended, her sheets were a mess and half on the bed half off, picture frames were on the floor, glasses all over the wood floor.

But the biggest thing that broke me was the hand written note taped to the door with my name on it. It wasn't Tess's hand writing but someone else's. All it said was  "The inflicted will become the inflicter." 

Eventually, I calmed down enough, to just a simmering rage, and I got to work. 

"I got it!" Spade, screamed and i rushed to his side where I found multiple screen all showing different screens. One was just black with a bunch of codes scrolling over it, a second showed all of the phone records for my phone, Tess's phone, and the emails recently sent, and a third showed a picture of a where house out in the middle of nowhere with the coordinates, underneath. 

"The video was shot from inside this where house out in Mesa. Looks like Carter has a security detail surrounding the building. I bet twelve guys at most. Sources say it's been used for unsolicited activity, until recently when it was condemned about a month ago and all business was dropped. I think Carter paid them off and is now using the space." Spade said spinning the chair to look at me while I just stared at the screen. 

I knew that building. Not only that but I had been there. It was one of the best nights of my life, second to two nights ago when Tess and I had spent the night together. It was the place where I had first kissed her. 

It was also the place where Carter had first shown himself. 

"I know where she is. It's The Hanger." and even I was surprised by the icy maliciousness held in my voice. 

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