Epilogue- Every time

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John Mayer's melodious voice playes thorugh out the room as I sweat my way through it. "Slow dancing in a burning room" is my lyrical peice for Nationals coming up in three weeks and I have been slaving over it for the past nine. 

"Damn It," I curse as I miss my step that leads into a major jump sequence. In frustration, I pull up my black sweater sleeves. I pull my hair out of it's messy trap and redo it so it's more sturdy. Once I'm done fiddleing with my clothing, I pull my booties, the half socks that I wear to dance in, and restart the song. 

Sweep kick, hand snap, elbow bent, fan kick, snap out- I tell myself metally as I physically demonstrate. 

On the same beat, I miss my step once again. Taking in a deep breath, I close my eyes, and restart. this time with my eyes closed, once agian. 

Sweep kick, hand snap, elbow bent, fan kick, snap out- to a split drop,  back roll, push up, up into a strut. 

This time I nail it, just in time to to do the leap. The leap is where I dive forward and at the last second tuck my body in and land on the floor in a roll that will lead into the end of the dance where I lie on the floor panting, like I've been broken hearted. 

With my eyes still closed, and me just envisioning me doing the move perfectly, I take off at with a running start, and I leap...

But I don't touch the ground.

My body is caught in two strong arms. As soon as his arm tighten, I konw excatly who they belong too. And instead of letting me go he beings to dance, as a new song come over my ipod. 

"Don't know why" by Norah Jones starts slowly and as it biulds, his body molds to mine like a second skin. My back is still facing him as he starts his slow steps, but just as Norah gets to thecChorus, he takes my hand and suddnely I'm being spun out, and then pulled back in. 

"Dip," is all he says before I'm being dropped to the floor. Then he pulls me back up and together we are waltzing around the room. 

When the song finishes, I'm up in the air, with Declan's strong hands holding firmly to my waist. As the melody finishes to a dim staic, he lowers me slowly. When my feet touch the ground, I quirk a smile, which causes him to raise an eyebrow.

"What?" he askes, his arms looping behind my back, anchoring me to him. 

"I'm just thinking that that has got to be the longest time we've ever gone with out you kissimg me. Usually as soon as you see me, thats all I get, but no this time you decide to dance."

"Did you want me to kiss you?" He asked pushing his face close to mine. 

"No, I wanted to work on my routine. You my, friend are becomeing a distraciton. Granted a sexy, very appealing distraction, but a distraction none the less." I said making no attempt what so ever to move out of his grasp. 

"Hmm, I think somewhere in that sentence I should feel offened or at the least sexutally degraded but I'm going to have to let that pass." Declan smiled and finally planted a kiss on my lips. 

It was nothing new, but it felt like the first time...every time. And I wouldn't ask for anything more. 

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