Chapter 9- The Hanger

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"Letting out some steam huh?" I asked. I could tell she was flustered but from me and my lack of clothing or being caught- I didn't know. 

"Yes, you know stress and all that good stuff." Tess said and once again she spun away from me, towards the other side of the house. I followed behind her, blatantly checking her out.

Her denim jean shorts were extremely short and had lace on the seem showing even more of her thigh, if that was possible. Her top was blood red and with thin racer back straps that showed off the lace black bra underneath. 

I guess as a dance your have more revealing clothing that you move in so, while her clothes made me want to cover her up and hide her in my closet, I could tell the skin revealing outfit she had no qualms about. 

"Yes I know what the phrase means. I also know that it is midnight going into a Saturday morning and the creeps tend to come out right about now. And I also know that said creeps, are drawn to attractive young girls who are out alone." I countered back. 

She reached a shed of types before pulling the door open. She gave me a look, and then entered the shed before replying " Who said I'l be alone?" 

"Are you going alone?" I asked, becoming amused at her struggling in the shed. 

"Not if you come with me," she said coming back out with a skateboard in her hands and a sly smile on her face. 

"You want me to come with you?" I asked completely confused. She didn't look like she was coming over to my house after she jumped down the ladder...

"I didn't say that.": she said with a pointed look.  "But since your so adamant about me not going, and your not going to convince me not to, you have two options. Pretend you didn't see me tonight, or join me. And since you don't necessarily do what I want you to do, I figured you're now tagging along." Tess finished, dropping one end of the board to her feet, before she drop the rest of it to the ground. 

I sighed knowing she was right. Now that I knew Carter was looking for me, I wasn't about to let Tess out of arms reach. 

"Give me ten minutes." I said starting over to my house. 

"You have five." she said, before I ran back to my house to change into a pair of jeans and a maroon v-neck t-shirt. 


I could lie and say that I was upset that Declan caught me, but that would be a lie. For one he was attractive and I don't mind being around him for that aspect alone, but there's something more to him. Like a story I have yet to figure out, granted I have't known him for that long but I feel like I've known him for longer than I actually have. If that makes any sense at all...

For some reason, I'm comfortable with him and I don't mind being with him. 

I was putting around on the board, doing simple turns, kick flips, and other mundane tricks when he walked outside looking like a freaking god. Damn him! 

He had five minutes! How, in all that is holy, did he manage to turn from Sweaty McHottie to Freaking Frat Boy in a v-neck T-shirt? 

Gosh I loathed boys who could look good in a matter of seconds. 

It took me a good half an hour just to put on enough makeup on to cover the purple on my face! Stupid boy. 

"Took long enough," was all I said before I turned the board and started to roll down the main street, out of the neighborhood. 

In a matter of seconds, another board was next to me and we were gliding down the neighborhood streets. 

"Tell me why we have to take the boards, and not my bike?" he said as we turned down an alley way between the surrounding neighborhoods homes. 

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