Chapter 21-Hospital Room

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My head hurt. 

Scratch that. 

Everything hurt.

There was a beeping somewhere to my left. I tried to open my eyes but it was so bright, where ever I was. At first it was fuzzy and bright, but as I began to clear my head, random clouds became shape which eventually became a whole image. 

I was in a hospital room. And voices were talking

"It's been three weeks, Dr. Masters! You said that you'd wake her up after two. Why is it taking so long?" a distinctly familiar voice rang out. Whoever it was, he was angry and not at all calm.

"Son, I know you're worried about, Tess. But we put her in a medically induced coma for a reason. Her mind was not equipped to handle the healing process she went through. She'll wake up in due time, son but you have to be patient." another, unfamiliar voice replied.

"I know, I just....I just.."

"It's okay, son. You both went through a lot. I'm surprised she even alive after what she went through. She's a fighter, I'll tell you that." The second voice said.

After a few minutes of mindless chatter. I heard nothing. And after hearing nothing for far to long, I slipped back into unconsciousness. 


Everything hurt, slightly less. God knows that It wasn't the best feeling in the world but it wasn't mind-blowingly insane pain. And I can describe to you in great detail what that feels like. 

"Ugh," I groaned. and Tried to sit up. 

"Tess? Tess are you waking up?" a  voice said above me. I had a feeling that I knew this voice. 

"Where...where am I?" I asked, again tyring to sit up. 

"Tess, baby you're in the hospital. You're going to be okay." The voice said. 

"I just...." and once again I fell back into darkness. The voice screaming over me as I slipped back. 


"Are you ready?" Dr. Masters asked me. I gave him a look and he chuckled. 

"I've been ready for this moment for a month now. I'm just glad it's finally here." I said moving closer to the bed. 

"Ok here we go." He said and inject what ever was in the needle into Tess's IV strand. 

After everything, Tess was air vaced here to Mercy Gilbert Hospital where she received three emergency surgeries to repair her damaged organs and replace the blood she lost. She then had two more surgeries to place her four broken ribs to heal properly. 

After that she was put into a coma to relieve stress to her brain as her body tried to heal it's self. It had been a month of endless sitting in this stupid hospital room.

I watched endlessly as the bruises on her body faded from blue, to black, to purple, to green, to finally a dull yellow that covered her skin in more places than I'd like to count.  

I watched endlessly as the cuts on her arms, and legs faded to tiny white scare marks that crisscrossed all over her small and frail body. 

And now I await endlessly to see her blue eyes open and stay open for the first time. 

And after one hundred and twenty nine seconds, she did. She opened her eyes and looked directly at me for when felt like the first time. 

"Tess?" I asked softly coming over to sit on her bed. 

"Declan?" She asked. he voice was horse and almost non-existent but it was like the sound of bells to me. 

"Hey baby girl. You gave me quite the scare." I said brushing her clean blonde hair off of her forehead. 

"Sorry." She smiled slightly at me and it was glorious. 

"Hello Tess. I'm Dr. Master's. I just have couple of questions to ask you alright?" 

She turned her gaze from me and nodded at the good doctor. She began to answer all of his questions, and passed with flying colors. 

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