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      The storm had hardy died down, but we had already waited over an hour. We couldn't waste anymore time, so as soon as I rangled up all the extra supplies I had found we decided to head out. The storm had only died down slightly since we arrived, but the temperature remained the same.   

   Soon add we made it out, we saw that it was easier to see. But it was still a bit blurry from the snow. Flash's wing was still protected in the bandage, while my wings were so cold that it felt like they could just fall off. After a few minutes of walking, my shivers vacant more and more noticeable as we continued.

   "Twilight, stop for a moment." He said. I stopped walking in confusion. Once I had stopped, he asked over to my satchel and undid the hook with his mouth.

    He reached inside my satchel for a second, and be pulled out the violet scarf I had packed. I smiled at him, then used my magic to put the scarf over my back. Then we continued on our journey, eventually the snow had stopped so it was much easier to navigate.

     Back at the train station, we got a bit distracted from our main objective. I mean, I would like to just forget about this whole event. Even for just a minute. But I've got to stay on task, because a single distraction... could completely mess up the situation.

    But it's hard to keep focused, there so many other things to think about. For example: my friends. I missed my friends so much, so badly. It's so hard to be on a journey without my friends with me, I usually did everything with them. But I have Flash, and Flash is my friend. Just my friend... nothing more than a friend.

    I can't imagine how Flash is feeling about this. I actually don't we're much about his life, or his family. He could be thinking that this is the worst event he's ever experienced, or that this is only a small event compared to his work.

    It's hard to not have anybody to talk to, to share your thoughts to, to express your feelings to. 'Should I maybe ask him?' I thought to myself.

   That's when suddenly Flashs voice disrupted my thoughts. "Twilight? Something is watching us." He says to me as he stops walking.

   "Wait, what do you mean?" I asked as I looked around for anything. He was acting very stage, leaving me very confused.

    "We have to get out of here." He said looking around into the distance in concern. But before I could respond, a great raspy howl can't from the horizon. Then all of a sudden a large figure appeared in the snow.

    It had similar features to an extremely large black wolf, at least twice my size. But it looked more vicious and wild than a regular wolf. But how could Flash have known about this creature as it was coming before I did. Maybe I was just to distracted.

    At this point I want sure whether to run or fight. But when I looked over at Flash it seemed like he had already made up his mind as he lunged himself at the vicious creature. Flash managed to grip himself into the wolf's side before shouting. "Get out of here, I'll distract him!"

   I wasn't going to give up so easily though, I wasn't leaving without a fight first. I lifted my satchel off of my back with my magic before springing into the air and flying tords the wolf. While he was distracted with Flash clinging onto his side, I shot a powerful blast from my horn into its neck.

    It growled in pain as the wolf's attention shot directly tords me. It gritted its teeth as it charged at me furiously. I quickly darted away into his direction as I shot another blast from my horn into its face.

   This only distracted it for a second before it continued to charge at me. Flash had no choice but to release his grip from the monsters side. As he extended his one unbandaged wing his other wing prevented him from flying. So instead he plummeted into the snow.

   The wolf caught me off guard while I watched Flash plummet into the ground with concern, it pushed against me and pinned my wings to the ground. I tried to send a blast of magic, but I couldn't turn my neck to the necessary angle. The blast fired off past the wolf's head and into the sky, exploding with nearly a hundred sparkles blasting out.

   I was helpless and could do nothing to defend myself. But suddenly he raised his paw and prepared to attack me. But just seconds before the wolf could tear me to pieces, it howled in distress and agony as it fell to the ground. I sat in confusion trying to catch my breath as Flash jumped off of the beasts back breathing heavily. The wolf layed on the ground, motionless.

    "What happen?" I asked as he galloped over to me. "You didn't...kill it, did you?"

    "No. I just hit a nerve that knocks them unconscious, he'll wake up." He replied. "But he's gonna be really angry when he does."

    "So... I guess that's hinting that we should get out of here, before that wolf wakes up." I said. Flash nodded. Together we galloped away into the direction of the ice forest.

   A/N Okay you guys, I originally wasn't going to do an author's note in this chapter, but I wanted to know your guys opinions on this story so far. Thanks, Bye!

Moments to Remember// A FlashLight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now