In harm's way

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Twilight's P.O.V
This journey... wasn't supposed to be so complicated... I never asked for this... I never asked to put so many ponies in danger. It's my fault, isn't it? What have I done... to deserve this punishment.
I have made my fair share of mistakes... but I don't know if I can forgive myself after this. And what if I don't make it in time? What happens then?
They say that unicorns work easier under pressure... but does that rule still count for me? And what about Flash... I've probably ruined his life, huh? I honestly cannot blame him... if he chooses to never speak with me again after this... I just want to say that I'm sorry... for everything.
I'm sorry for putting lives at risk, sorry for traumatizing everypony... sorry for dragging my them into danger... sorry for ever becoming a princess. Maybe if I weren't a princess, this wouldn't be happening. Maybe if I could just give back my wings, things will be normal again... right?
Oh who am I kidding... I'm stuck with this life. I didn't get a choice, so I wouldn't blame you if you if you were mad at me. I'm mad at myself, and how can I change that? I'm gonna be haunted by this misery, I just know it.
My eyes flew open to the surprisingly cold surface I was being exposed to. My whole body was no overcome with the feeling. For some reason... it was like I could feel the sure being sucked from my lungs.
My eyes were struggling magorly to adjust, but every time I tried to open them I felt a horrible pain. I didn't want to see what was going on anymore, because this feeling couldn't be described... other than horrible. Worse than the feeling I got when we feel through the ice.
It was ask happening so quickly, I no longer had control ever where my body was going. That's when the pressure beneath me had dusky pushed me to the surface, giving me a few seconds to catch a breath. Then I had become fully aware of where I was, but no clue how I appeared in this mess.
I was being pushed, shoved, and drowned by a rushing river that I had no clue how I ended up in. The feeling was horrible, terrifying, but relieving all at the same time. But I knew I had to find a way to get out.
I tried to flail my hooves to reach the sauce, but my body was to weak. I had no air anymore, I needed something to inhale. The water had already trailed into my mouth as the last few bubbles of air drifted away.
My mane was wisping and twirling in the water, practically being yanked. That's when I was sent back to the surface, I barley had any time to catch a small breath of air... but in those few seconds if time I could see a separate color other than the water. But before I could see what it properly, I was thrusted back under water. I gained surface beneath my legs and was able to kick myself to the surface for a few seconds. I gasped for air, accidentally inhaling a bit of water. Once I was sent back underwater I realized that the tips of my hooves were becoming numb.
Just as I felt like there could be the least big of hope, it suddenly all vanished as I felt something tugging at my back. It was tugging me upwards very violently and quick. The grasp had surprised me causing me to gasp and send out the last bit of air I had.
And without the air the rest of my body was becoming numb, squirming was practically useless now. When I was dragged to the surface I couldn't help but cough before taking in my deep breath of air. Whatever was pulling me I could tell was using great force to keep me afloat.
Less than seconds later I managed to reach the edge of the river to the distant land. I struggled to pull myself up out of the water as I was continuously thrusted back into the water by the rushing current. The cold water soaked my entire body as I layed against the surface of the land breathing heavily and aching all over.
Ask my muscles were sore and my limbs were losing numbness with each second of being out of the water. I was so relived to be back on the shore, but gm that left me the question of how us ended up on the water in the first place.
The terrifying feeling it a painful death was now gone, but the coldness remained as most water still remained in my coat. I let out a few coughs once again just before I managed to my front half upwards. But I just went collapsing back to the ground as my hooves gave out beneath me.
That's when I heard the calming familiar voice that made me smile in relief. "Oh Celestia." Flash sentry shivered beside me. I turned myself over to see him sitting on the ground beside me inhaling deep breaths as if he were hyperventilating, and draped over his back was the satchel... the one holding the crystal heart.
I couldn't help but let out a small relieved cry. "Flash." I exclaimed weakly with a smile. He quickly turned his head to see me, and by his smile I could see he relief.
"Twilight." He said. I quickly sat up and threw my hooves around him unconsciously.
"Thank you." I said as I felt many drops of water dril against my back from my main. I just couldn't help the fact of how thankful I am to even be alive, and he saved me. I wrapped my hooves tightly around him as if he were going to float away, and he returned the friendly gesture.
A/N I honestly have no clue where this story is going, but I hope it turns it good. My apologies for the lack of detail and understanding. If there are any questions just ask, I'll try to answer them my best. Bye!

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