Lost and alone

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    As we continue on our journey, we began discussing camp arrangements. Knowing that we wouldn't be able to make it to the forest tonight, we were making sure that we had the necessary supplies to make a shelter. We discussed what we already had separately, and what we would need to gather by tonight.

   We had already had things packed like food, blankets, and other small necessities for warmth. But we were running low on food supply, hopefully we'd still have some food left for the morning.

   The sun was barley just about to set. We wouldn't have much time to find shelter. It was most likely that another storm would kick in any minute now as darkened clouds filled the sky. That's when Flash recommended the idea of us each going separately, to find necessary supplies. "We're most likely to find more supplies if we go separate ways." He says.

   I want sure about this plan at first, "There's still a risk that the monster from before could be waiting for us." I claimed.

    "We left that thing a dozen miles behind, it doesn't even know which way we went." He stated. "So we should be safe from him." I still didn't trust the plan, but Flash seemed pretty confident about this.

   "Hmm... we'll if you really think it'll help find supplies faster. Alright." I said. "But we need to meet somewhere at a certain time."

   "How about over at that rock, in half an hour." He said pointing to a nearby, rather large, rock. "We can follow our hoofprints back the way we came.

  "Okay, sounds good. Don't go to far." I said before we both trotted of into different directions. I still want a hundred percent sure with the plan. But if it means finding a shelter for tonight instead of freezing in the snow, I'd do it.

    I roamed across a small range of snow for at least five minutes, I haven't came across anything but snow, snow, ice, torn pieces of wood, some frozen bushes and more snow. None of it was ready useful. There was practically nothing to find.

    I decided to go back to the meeting point as I had no idea what time it was. I could get there and be late or early and I wouldn't know. The snow was already showering lightly upon me. Hopefully we could find shelter before it got to bad. I figured that it would just be best to go back now.

   I turned around to follow my tracks, but to my misfortune they were gone. Completely disappeared, covered by snow. I want sure how many twists and turns it took just to get me here, I knew that I was lost.

   No amount of magic could clear this snow. I wanted to call for Flash, but I was worried that it could attract something else into my location.

    Suddenly, I heard something in the distance. It was the rustling of a dead bush. There was something hiding within the dead twigs.

   I stepped back in fear as two golden eyes appeared from the bush. They looked similar to cat eyes. I have the sudden eerie feeling that something is terribly wrong as I feel myself stiffen in fear.

    The creature within the bush, began to slowly reveal its face. It smiled with sharp teeth as it pulled itself from the bush. The creature looked almost like a cross between a ferret, and an angry cat. It expanded it's indescribable wings nearly as large as mine for such a small body.

    I felt my heartbeat speed up at a frightening speed. The creature glared with menacing eyes and a dangerous smile. I slowly stepped back in complete fear.

    I was afraid to call for help. But as another dark creature appeared from behind the bush, I knew I was in trouble. I turned quickly, and ran faster than my heart could take. I could hear them hissing behind me as I ran. There was no place to hide, it was all just space covered in snow.

   I spread my wings and sprouted into the air, but I couldn't see anything past a few feet in front of me. And to make it worse, the creatures seemed to have multiplied. Seven more creatures had already soared into the air behind me.

    I then remembered about one of the spells that I hadn't used in a while. It was a force field spell, I hadn't used it since I had activated the sleek to protect those ponies from Starlight Glimmer. I focused ask the every of my magic, and shut out the energetic field. But had accidentally added a different light spell along with it.

   But the combination was even more powerful. It had blasted each of them away with great strength, as they were all blasted away I finally felt relived. I soared to the ground and began my search for Flash.

  A/N Hi guys. I hope you guys liked this chapter, even though it's super short. How do you guys feel about this story so far, should I change or improve something? Oh and I thought you should know, the next chapter will be in Flash sentry's P.O.V. Alright bye!

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