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Flash's P.O.V
We all managed to bundle up inside with just enough space to lay curled up in. It wasn't the most comfortable position... but it still seemed better than sleeping in the snow.
But just as we made our way inside, Twilight mentioned something. She had mentioned how we would have to meet... whoever is giving Twilight theses nightmares... in the frozen forest before sunset. But neither of us exactly knew where the frozen forest is located, but I think Twilight asked Trixie.
I layed just next to Twilight, who was already quickly asleep. It was strange how just a minute ago I was so tired, and now I can't get to sleep. Trixie continued to squirm a few times and continue to shuffle under her separate blanket before finding a comfortable position.
Since Trixie only had two blankets, she insisted on owning the smaller thinner one. While Twilight and I shared a large thick blanket, and it managed to cover both of us pretty well. But I still felt bad for Trixie.
I inhaled a deep breath before managing to shut my eyes. "C'mon sleep. You can do this." I thought in my head. "Just like we've practiced. Every. Single. Night."
After a few minutes of concentrating to relax my body, I finally felt myself begin to sink into slumber. But just as I was feeling secure and relaxed, I felt something inside my body that nearly felt like a weak shock of energy. It flowed through my body quickly sending shivered up my spine.
It didn't feel similar to anything I had ever experienced, but I was too tired to question it. Instead I just tried to ignore the feeling and return to my relaxed state. I could tell that Twilight was having trouble sleeping as well, while Trixie still remained asleep.
My wings were both folded beneath my back, and my hooves remained folded over my chest under the blanket. I squirmed my neck and turned my head a bit.
"At least I know that Twilight is able to get some rest outside of the snow after today." I thought glancing I her direction. Her hair was spread out all over her back and neck, and the innocent look on her face truly made me think.
Twilight didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve to suffer through all that she's been put through on this journey. I hadn't known her much before she became a princess, but I knew that I could trust her with my life.
After all my friends either moved away or got important jobs, I haven't had much time to spend with my friends, let alone my family. And my job didn't make it any easier. But Twilight, she actually felt like a pretty good friend. I doubt that our relation-- friendship, is considered anything more.
We're just friends, and I think that Twilight feels the same. I think. This journey has default bright us closer together, but use still like to know more about Twilight.
Before I could continue my thoughts, I noticed that Twilight was now squirming and turning in place. She looked like she was really struggling to get herself to sleep, she groaned and frustration.
I made a promise to protect her, but sometimes I got afraid that I wouldn't always be there to protect her. With everything that's happened already... it's hard to believe we're still alive. The more time I spent thinking about the future, made me feel more anxious.
Not that I regret coming on this journey with her, but who am I kidding. I've tried to be brave, but beneath the lies was just nothing but a coward hiding behind a mask that is slowly fading.

Moments to Remember// A FlashLight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now