(A/N) Should I Continue?

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    Hello my friends and fans, I'm SO extremely sorry I haven't updated in a long time. To be honest, a lost of stuff has been going on irl, so I kinda in a way, forgot about this series after a bit....
Again, I'm so sorry to all you people that have enjoyed my story.

   I mean, since I started this story, I have seen nothing but praise and positive criticism, with many people getting anxious about what would happen in the next chapter and asking when the next chapter would be out. This story has gotten so much more love then I ever thought it would, and I'm afraid that by not updating it for a long time, I may have lost many of my loyal fans.

    So, getting to the main point, I've been debating over whether to continue this story the way I planned it to be... Or leave it where it is now for people to continue wondering what happens next?

    My main problem with continuing is that I'm afraid people won't like the ending of this story and where it's going, and I'll possibly loose more of my fans just from ending the story the what I plan to.

    I intended to keep this short so I could get to the point, but I also wanted you guys to understand why I feel the way I do.

    So, that being said, if you guys really want this story to be finished, please hit that star button and don't forget to comment telling me your opinions. If I see that I still have loyal fans out there that want me to continue, I'll definitely consider it. Whatever I decide, I'll let you guys know in the next A/N.

    Thank you everybody, for following the development of my story. I love you all, and again, I'm so sorry to those of you that feel that you've been waiting an eternity.


(Side note): I'm considering doing a QnA book for those of you who would like to get to know me better on a slightly more personal level and ask any questions you have with this story. :) Let me know your opinions on that too. ❤

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