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The warm light was getting brighter, and alot bigger. I could feel as if my body wee floating upward tords the light. But at the same time...there was something strange about this light. But it was just so hard to resist it's welcoming glow.

I couldn't feel my body, it were as if my soul was driving upward. That's when I knew that something wasn't right. Suddenly the warm feeling was instantly being sucked away from me. I couldn't tell if the light was getting farther away, or if I was falling.

But suddenly I could feel my body again, I could feel my coat and mane completely soaked in freezing water. It was so cold, and most of my body parts were numb, but I was thankful to be alive.

"Trixie hurry, She's gonna freeze to death!" Flash shouted. Everything was blurry, I could tell that I wasn't running. But I could tell that we were moving quickly. "We need a fire!"

"Huuuh." I moaned failing at my attempt to speak. I shivered violently. "F- Flaaah."

"Twilight! It's okay, I've got you." I heard him mumble. "Your gonna be okay."

When I had finally regained my feeling ability, I saw that I was drenched over Flash. I could now see clearly as well. "Flash." I moaned weakly before coughing out a bit of water.

"It's not far now!" I heard Trixie call from in front. "Just a little further, I'll make a fire right away!" She added. My eyes fluttered open a few times before I realized that something was missing.

"The Crystal... heart." I moaned trying to sound louder. "It's gone, it's gone."

"Twilight, relax it's okay. Trixie has it." Flash said in attempts to calm me. But I still had so many more questions. Like; 'How did Flash and I manage to reach the surface alive? How did Trixie get a hold of the crystal heart when it had plunged into the water with us? And what happened to the creatures?'

I shut my eyes, all I wanted to do was be able to process and concentrate on what was happening. "I want to go home."I thought to myself. "I can't do this anymore." But something inside me was telling me otherwise.

     It was like my two opinions were securing with each other, mentally?
    "Why can't this just be over already?" One side argued.

   "No. We can't just give up! Think about all the ponies who are counting on us!" The other side rebutled.

   "But if we go back home we can be safe, we won't have to worry about all this."

   "Just think about our friends. They're depending on us."

    "But we'll find a different way to free them, and all the other ponies in the empire."

    "You really think that we can just free everypony, we've already tried! We can't give up now."

    "We don't even know if this plan will work, what if it's a trap?"

     "We have to take that chance, if there is even the smallest probability that this can help... we have to take the opportunity."

    "Alright, you win. But if this backfires, don't say I didn't warn you."

     Just as I thought the argument in my head was over, a separate voice had chimed into my head. The same voice identical to the one from my nightmares. It had said; "Time is running out."

    I sat blankly for a moment, trying to process those words. "What does that mean?"

    "It means that your time is limited, Twilight. How could you really expect to save an entire empire... When your being held back?" He stated.

     "I didn't know that we were on a time limit." I thought in response.

    "Well, now you know." The dark voice stated. "But the deadline is sooner than you think, and it's gonna be hard to be there on time with ask these... distractions." He said the last part as if he were mentioning something disgusting.
    "I can avoid distractions easily if I tried." I thought. The menacing voice laughed eerily, the sound echoed through my head.

    The colt sighed, "How can you ignore these distractions... When they're practically with you?"

    Silence filled my head for a brief moment before I came to the realization. "What? You mean Flash?"

   There was no response for a second, but I knew the answer was yes. Finally the colt spoke, "You will meet me at sunset tomorrow. You give me the crystal heart, and I will undo the spell on your empire."

    And that was the last he had said to me for the rest of the day. But I knew that voice would be back. "Wow." I thought. "Maybe I really am going insane."

Moments to Remember// A FlashLight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now