A/N A year later and I'm finishing this!

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   It's been well over at least a year since I've updated! And I can't explain how sorry I am for that! But I can proudly say! I will finish this story even if it kills me!!!

  You see, I decided to return to Wattpad for whatever reason, and I saw all the comment notifications from my last update and I couldn't ignore them any longer! For you guys that BY SOME MIRACLE managed to stick with me the entire time, I promise you will be rewarded! I can't promise the reward would be as satisfying a you may expect for some of you however. 

   Thank you so much to any of you that are still interested! Like I said, I can't explain how sorry I am! I though this story was a lost cause, but after rereading it a little, I realized that I NEED TO FINISH THIS! I'LL DO IT FOR THE FANS!!! 

There will be two more chapters before the last one. The next chapter will be out this weekend! 

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