Thin Ice

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When the frozen lake came into view, was larger than I had thought. At least a mile long. Trixie continued to smile silently smiling without a care in the world.

When we reached edge of the lake, I was still very nervous to cross in fear of the ice cracking beneath me. I dropped and gazed over the area, lost I my own thoughts as Trixie went along. When Flash caught up to me, he stopped without saying a word. He gave me a quick reassuring smile before looking back at Trixie.

She still hasn't noticed that I had stopped, instead she continued on her way across the ice. I inhaled a deep breath before placing my hoof on the edge of the lake. I gulped as I added my other hoof.

Once I had all hooves on the ice, I slowly began to walk. Steadily, I struggled to place each hoof in front of the other. That's when Trixie turned her neck to face me.

She calmly walked over to me. She giggled playfully before nudging me forward. I slid across the ice for a few seconds before coming to a slow stop.

I could also hear Flash quietly chuckling behind me. That's when I had eased up a bit and realized that there was no reason to be scared. The ice seemed perfectly capable of holding our weight.

When Trixie reached my side, she smiled. We began to walk together with Flash following a bit more than a few feet behind. "How far away is the camp from here?" I eventually asked.

Trixie thought for a moment before responding. "Hmm, not very far. Only a few miles or so."

"Okay." I replied. I didn't find it very hard believe how much Flash and Trixie shared their confidence. I on the other hoof...

Suddenly I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard Trixie's voice. "Oh my gosh, what are those?" She cried as she pointed her hoof in the direction from where we had came.

It was those creatures that were chasing me earlier. They were creepily crawling in our direction from with big eerie grins on each of their faces. They were maybe twenty or so feet away, but in distant view.

But with Flash being more then a few feet behind us... they weren't very far from him. I knew that I would have to react quickly if I wanted to ensure his safety. "Flash! Run!" I cried as I leaped in his direction. I skidded to a stop in front of him just on time to block away one of those creatures as it lunged itself in our direction.

I just barley managed to pull out my protection shield spell just in time. There were only a few of these creatures, so hopefully it wouldn't be so bad to fight then off. I glanced back at Trixie who just stood frozen in shock. I also saw that Flash hadn't moved as I had ordered, instead he had already tried up to my side.

"Flash! You have to go with Trixie!" I demanded as another creature lunged itself in my direction.

"But I'm not just gonna leave your side." He said as he jumped in front of me. As the creature reached us, he managed to push it away with his front hooves. The creature was sent flying, and slid across the ice until it came to the edge if the lake, and didn't stand back up.

"Flash, you need to go with Trixie. I know how to fight these things away." I said. "I don't need your help."

He turned to face me, his expression was very serious. "I made a promise. That I would do everything in my power to protect both of you princesses. And I don't break my promises."

All of the two remaining creatures stood prepared to attack. But my attention was focused on Flash. I was distracted for only a few seconds before one of the creatures jumped into Flash, knocking him to the ground causing both of them to slide across the ice for a second.

Just as I was about to blast the creature away from him, one of them attacked me. It tackled me to the ground, and I sat there for a second trying to push it away from me.

Finally once I had managed to push it farther away, I stood up and tried to focus. When I saw Flash struggling to pry himself from the menacing creatures grip, I concentrated my magic on the creature. But I couldn't get a proper angle on the creature as they both tossed and turned repeatedly.

"Twilight! Shoot it!" He urged. But they both continued to switch positions. Just as I had thought that I may have had a clear view, a separate beam of magic shot the creature away. Trixie had apparently shot the creature from her closer distance.

Trixie then looked at me and smiled, she trotted over to me excitedly. She held out her hoof, after a second I figured that she wanted a high-hoof. When I visited my hoof against hers were both cheered in victorious.

That's when I looked over at Flash, he wasn't as happy. He was standing now, but his expression was very concerned as he looked down. The ice below him...was slowly cracking.

"Don't move." I said. But just to our misfortune... more of those creatures has just appeared from nowhere. Each of them slowly heading our way.

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