Mistakes are a Part of Life

313 13 4

Flash's P.O.V

Everything was happening so quickly, and I just struggle to handle all of it. The more I try to ignore them, the bigger the problems get. I want to protect Twilight... but that means keeping myself alive as well, and that's been ready difficult lately. Stupid me, thinking this would be a quick trip.

The agonizing pain in my back had weakened my muscles, preventing me from lifting myself up. But I had to get up, but I found myself motionlessly laying in the snow... listening to her heartbreaking muffled cries of distress replaying in my head, even though they had already vanished. No matter how many times I tried to lift myself up, I was just in to much pain.

I had no clue how long I had been knocked out for, but I knew that I was useless at this point, what more could I do? I can't walk, can't stand up, can't even move a muscle. I sighed weakly as I struggled to keep my injured wing contained when I noticed that the bandage was slightly coming off.

All this time, is been nothing but pretending to be a brave confident soldier that I can only wish to be inside. But I want to show Twilight... that I'm not useless, that I can be there for my country, that I will be there for her. But it's not do easy when you've seen what I've seen, things that have changed me... to make me into the struggling colt I am today.

But Twilight, even when she is scared... she's smart enough to know not to give up so easily, she only gives up when she knows that there's no other way. And I idolize her because if that. Heck, I even adore her for her perseverance skills, and not to mention her limitless smarts, and how even when she's stressed... she would still risk her life to protect her friends. Who's to say I shouldn't do the same?

Twilight is my friend, she's stuck with me through all of this... she's blamed herself for everything that's happened, but she still keeps fighting. And knowing that she wouldn't just give up on me, knowing that she would risk her life to protect others... brings me to the point of asking myself what kind of friend I would be if us just gave up on her.

'I am an imperial guard.' I thought to myself as I urged my hoof to dig into the snow to push myself from the ground. 'I protect and serve. I'll continue to fight, I'll survive, and I'll get you back... no matter what it takes...'

Just barely managing to lift my head from the cold snow, I managed to build up the muscle to lift the rest of my body. I could barely keep myself standing on my own four hooves, but I had to get to Twilight somehow. She could be miles away, but it wouldn't matter, I had to get to her.

Twilight's P.O.V

I felt a single tear sliding down the cold surface of my face, as I sniffled a bit. I refused to open my eyes, only knowing that I woulda see nothing but darkness. He disappeared into the shadows, but I could still feel his presence, watching me.

I was cold, scared, maybe a bit traumatized. But I couldn't hold it in right now. Because I knew that the best thing I can do for myself right now, is just let it out. It was stupid to think that anything would go as I planned. There was no sound other than my light sniffles every now and then, and the sound of my heart beating rapidly.

I'm always telling myself to be strong and face the reality, but when the reality is to brutal to face, what am I to do? Sombra has separated me from my friends, practically destroyed the empire, and demolished all the hope I had left.

I used my hoof to wipe away a tear on my cheek. Not bothering to lift myself from the ground, I was too busy thinking about what would happen next. What's he gonna do with me now?

When I heard his voice speaking to Trixie from a bit farther away, couldn't help but open my eyes and look in that direction.
"Ensure that she does not leave this room." He ordered calmly. "Neither of you are to leave till I get return." And with that, he used his magic to lower the dark rocks around her, then left without a sound.

Moments to Remember// A FlashLight FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin